Agents of the Civil Guard bound for the Main Post in Majadahonda have arrested a 49-year-old man who struck several axes at his 80-year-old mother.

After the attack, the son barricaded himself in the living room of his house.

The woman suffered serious injuries and the partial amputation of one of the fingers of her right hand.

The events occurred in the street of Isaac Peral de Majadahonda, when the patrol in service received an urgent notice from 112, through which it was alerted of a possible attack on a house in the town.

The victim's husband had called the emergency number.

Immediately, they went to the address in question, finding in the living room of the house an elderly woman

lying in a large stream of blood and with multiple injuries to the head, body and partial amputation of a finger,

proceeding to the assistance of the same with different tamponings to avoid their bleeding until their subsequent transfer to a Hospital Center.

In the living room of the house there was a middle-aged man, who turned out to be the victim's son, with a very violent and uncontrolled attitude hiding behind a table and armed with an ax, who on several occasions attacked the agents and who after a complicated

and difficult intervention managed to reduce it and subsequent arrest, without causing serious injury.

The detainee is a 49-year-old Spanish male, who was transferred to the psychiatric unit of a nearby hospital and who for these events is charged with a crime of attempted murder.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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