Former US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that "the matter is different this time," expecting that Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden will achieve a "great victory" over his rival, President Donald Trump, in the November 3 elections.

And Clinton, who lost the presidential fight to Trump at the last minute in 2016 - during an interview with the podcast "Sway" produced by The New York Times - confirmed that Democrats "are lucky - unfortunately - with the record that Trump has achieved in 4 years." Years of his term. "

She added that American voters "are because of Trump's leadership - or perhaps even its absence - more engaged and less likely to be misled" than they were previously.

She stated that the disinformation that was circulating during the 2016 elections, was "incredibly widespread, so that among the rumors that circulated in those days on Facebook and was very influential, is that Pope Francesco announced his support for Trump, and the other stating that I was dying .. but I am." With you now (addressing the presenter) I walk, talk and breathe. "

Clinton confirmed that she closely followed the campaigns of both presidential candidates, and that she firmly believed that Biden would be the winner thanks to his experience, as "he was in the White House for 8 years, and he understands how government work is supposed to be run ... which is reassuring" to voters.

"His positions resonated with the vast majority of Democrats, and he seemed able to obtain votes from independents and maybe even some Republicans, because there was an increasing rejection of Trump's approach by traditional Republicans ... he would be in a really strong position."

Clinton pointed out that the Corona epidemic crisis and the current administration’s dealings with it also played in Biden’s favor, saying, “I think that the way he dealt with the virus compared to Trump increased the comfort people feel with him, and they felt that it was really the safe choice.”

She also asserted that she could not bear even talking about a second victory for Trump in the upcoming elections, and said, "I feel sick when I think that we will have another 4 years of abuse, destruction of our institutions, harm to our principles and values, and underestimation of our leadership, and the list goes on ..."

Hillary Clinton lost to Trump in 2016 despite her lead in the popular vote (Reuters)

A person without a conscience

The former Democratic candidate warned that "there is no doubt that he (Trump) will do everything in his power to attack and punish anyone he considers an opponent, and he will unfortunately receive help and incitement from elected and appointed officials ... I don't think he has any limits at all, I don't think he has. Any conscience, he is clearly not an honest and respectful man. "

Clinton affirmed that she hopes that one of the most important achievements that will emerge from the upcoming elections is "the emergence of a Democratic Senate to play the role of examiner that we need against further abuse of power."

Regarding the priorities that Biden should focus on if he wins the presidency, Clinton said that the most important of them is to fulfill his promise to preserve the "Obama Care" health care project, and to support the economy to enable Americans to get out of the distress caused by the repercussions of Corona.

In a question about Trump's future in case he emerged defeated from the race towards the White House, and whether he would still have an influence, even indirectly, on the political scene, Clinton affirmed that "his influence will be greatly diminished, because most Republicans will want to turn the page .. They have been supportive of him." Cowards and weak character, they want to see him go as much as we wish, but they cannot say it publicly. "

"I think it will have little or no effect ... Will he be able to anger people and all of those other things? The answer is yes, but he will also face all kinds of possible investigations ... before him, his family and his projects have difficult days," she added.