First African-American to Cardinal Roman Catholic Church October 27, 4:25

Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church has appointed the first African-American to be one of the new Cardinals.

The Cardinal is a priest in the Catholic Church, second only to the Pope, and has the role of assisting the Pope.

Pope Francis announced on the 25th that he has appointed 13 new Cardinals in a lecture to those who visited St. Peter's Square in Vatican.

Of these, Archbishop Wilton Gregory, 72, was the first African-American to be appointed Cardinal.

According to the leading American newspaper, The Washington Post, Gregory has called for dialogue to end black discrimination in the United States.

He has also played a central role in dealing with the problem of sexual abuse by clerics, which has shaken the Catholic Church, by being involved in developing guidelines for solving it.

Gregory will be appointed Cardinal with 12 other men next month, and experts say Gregory's appointment aims to help eliminate discrimination as protests against black discrimination spread around the world. I point out.