It was at lunchtime on Thursday that the police received an alarm about a suspected dangerous object on a commuter train in Gnesta.

All train traffic was stopped and the police's national bomb squad searched the train without making any findings.

- One of the suspects had sought out the train driver and based on the information that came to the train driver, it became a matter to the police.

But I do not want to go further into what was said, says prosecutor Johanna Levin.

The suspicions remain

Two men, in their 30s and 40s, were arrested and detained on the same day.

But late on Friday afternoon, the men were released.

- Based on the overall investigation, including interrogation and house search, I did not consider that there was reason to keep the detainees longer.

At the moment, the suspicions remain, but I need to go through the entire material to see if the goal should be dropped or if the suspicions remain, says Johanna Levin.

Both men deny the crimes.