Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statements about France provoked a unanimous outcry within the French political class.

Monday morning, on Europe 1, the Secretary of State for Youth and Engagement, Sarah El Haïry, considers that "Turkey is sullying part of its history".


The tone is rising between Turkey and France and the invectives multiply between Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Emmanuel Macron, after calls to boycott French products formulated in several countries of the Arab-Muslim world.

At the microphone Europe 1 of Matthieu Belliard, Secretary of State Sarah El Haïry denounced "the outrageous acts of Erdogan", refusing to consider Turkey as "a frank ally" within NATO.

"Poor Turkey", laments the Secretary of State

"There were acts of violence, unacceptable and intolerable," said the Secretary of State for Youth and Engagement.

"This morning, I say to myself poor Turkey, poor Turkey who, through the voice of its leader, is sullying part of its history."