• The new anti-contagion measures are in force, but protest over the restrictions is growing

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October 26, 2020 For the stop at 6pm, 1/3 of the food expenditure of Italians destined for consumption outside the home is at risk with the multiplication of catering establishments that even decide not to open due to the high costs and lack of customers.

This is what emerges from a monitoring of Coldiretti in reference to the launch of the refreshment decree to contain the effects of the new Prime Ministerial Decree, based on the indications of the Terranostra Association.

"From restaurants to agritourisms, from ice cream parlors to pizzerias to trattorias - underlines Coldiretti - there are many realities that find economic sustainability only thanks to the evening work that has now been prohibited by the new Decree. For many structures the lunch break - underlines Coldiretti - it is not sufficient to guarantee the coverage of costs, also taking into account the lack of tourists and the spread of smartworking which has dramatically cut the number of seats. The result is the drastic drop in the turnover of catering which was equal to 85 billion a year in the 330 thousand bars, canteens and restaurants with an impact on the entire food chain, from meat to fish, from wine to oil, from fruit to vegetables. "

"A situation that risks unfairly penalizing even the national agritourism which, according to Campagna Amica, can count on 24 thousand realities spread throughout the Peninsula, often located in isolated areas of the countryside in family structures with a limited number of beds and at the table and with large spaces outdoors. These are perhaps - Coldiretti underlines - the places where it is easier to ensure compliance with safety measures to defend oneself from contagion outside the home and lighten gatherings in cities. "