It was warlike tones heard from the world's most powerful man as he stepped up to the podium at the UN headquarters in New York.

After a few introductory remarks about the right of all nations to decide their own destiny, Trump stormed the dictatorship of North Korea and its leader Kim Jong-Un.

Trump said the country's "ruthless pursuit" of nuclear weapons is a threat to the world.

"Rocketman on suicide mission"

"Rocket man" (Kim Jong-UN) is on a suicide mission, both for himself and for his entire regime, Donald Trump told the General Assembly.

- If the United States is threatened, we have no choice but to completely destroy North Korea.

The US president called on the nations of the world to work together to completely isolate the "depraved" regime until North Korea ceases its threatening behavior.

READ MORE: The United States has a military solution against North Korea

Tensions between the United States and North Korea have risen alarmingly rapidly since the North Koreans conducted several robotic tests over Japanese airspace during the summer and also detonated an alleged hydrogen bomb - significantly more powerful than the nuclear weapons regime previously tested.

War of words and sanctions

The two countries have ended up in a war of words, where US President Donald Trump promised "fire and rage" while North Korea threatened to fire robots at US military bases on the Pacific island of Guam and against neighboring South Korea.

According to UN resolutions, North Korea is not allowed to fire ballistic missiles or conduct nuclear tests.

Measures that have so far proved completely ineffective, as the dictatorship continues to threaten the outside world.

The UN Security Council recently adopted new resolutions, which include a total export ban on textiles and a restriction on North Korea's imports of crude oil.

SVT reported · Trump premieres at the UN


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