The 12-year-old boy who was pointed out by the police for the murder of his friend in Hovsjö in 2001 now denies the murder, writes DN.

DN has interviewed the now 28-year-old man they call Jonas.

At the beginning of the investigation into the "scissor murder", the 12-year-old denies the murder.

But after the three-month interrogation process, he begins to tell different versions of how the murder took place and why.

READ MORE: New criticism of the investigation into the "scissor murder"

- I understood that I would not come from there if I did not admit.

I tried my best and lied.

They got what they wanted, says Jonas to DN.

Just want to forget what happened

Jonas is never convicted of the murder but is moved around to various forensic psychiatric clinics.

And when asked why one should believe Jonas today, he answers:

- The only thing I want is to live in peace and quiet and be normal.

I really just want to forget what happened.

I'm not doing this interview to be written off from anything.

I'm an adult today, I know what I remember.

What happened is not a memory gap for me and when you ask, I answer as it is.

What I said to the police from the beginning is true, he tells the newspaper.