It was on July 5, 2018 that a roller skier did not notice that there was a plastic hose across the road when he was out training roller skis.

The roller skier overturned and injured his ribs on the right side and sustained abrasions on his right shoulder, elbow and knee.

Exempted by the district court

The property owner stated in a police interrogation that he pulled an electric cable to a water pump across the road and put it in a plastic pipe so that cars would not break it.

He was charged with causing bodily harm and the roller skier demanded damages of SEK 47,000.

The district court states in its judgment that the plastic hose across the road has not been so difficult to detect that it constitutes criminal negligence to lay it across the road.

According to the court, it is also not criminally negligent not to mark it and therefore the district court dismisses the prosecution.

Therefore, the claim for damages is also rejected.

The parties now have until 11 November to appeal the verdict.