Proposal for permission to join the Social Democratic Party to be submitted to the extraordinary party convention October 22, 18:16

Regarding the merger with the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party has decided to leave the Social Democratic Party at the extraordinary party convention to be held in the middle of next month, while consulting a bill that allows party members and party members to join at their own discretion.

Regarding the pros and cons of joining the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party wants to reach a conclusion at the extraordinary party convention to be held on the 14th of next month, and before this, discussed the response at the standing secretariat meeting on the 22nd.

Among them, Secretary-general Yoshida will leave the Social Democratic Party based on the pros and cons of joining the Constitutional Democratic Party, while allowing members of the party and party members to leave the party and join at their own discretion. Proposed to consult the party convention.

In response, Fukushima, the leader of the party, opposed that "it is not necessary to hold a party convention to allow the party to leave the party," but as a result of a majority vote of the executive department, it was decided to consult the bill with the party convention.

The bill will be passed if the majority of the 176 Social Democratic Party members in attendance at the party convention agree.

Of the four members of parliament belonging to the party, three, excluding the leader of Fukushima, are willing to join, but opinions are divided among about 12,000 members, and the party may split depending on the outcome of the vote. The sex has come out.

Secretary-General Yoshida strongly suggested to reporters, "We must take into account both the opinions of both pros and cons. The path of the mountain to climb may be different, but we want to understand each other and make it a fruitful party convention. ".