Earlier in social networks, a video appeared from the basement of the hospital, where black bags are lying on gurneys and on the floor, presumably with the corpses of those who died from coronavirus.

According to kp.ru, this situation has arisen due to the increased workload on doctors and a shortage of pathologists.

The Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory said that all deceased patients with COVID-19 are sent for an autopsy.

“This led to their forced temporary storage in the conditions of the city hospital No. 12,” the ministry said.

In addition, one of the reasons for the incident is the refusal of relatives to receive the bodies for burial in time.

On September 28, the Governor of the Altai Territory Viktor Tomenko was hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia, his test for coronavirus at that time was negative.

On October 9 it became known about the discharge of the head of the region from the hospital.