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A Dutch man in his 30s, who has been unable to walk, talk, or eat for 8 years, recovers his normal ability within 20 minutes after taking sleeping pills.

According to the Daily Mail of the UK on the 21st, a 39-year-old Dutch man who suffered brain damage from choking from choking while eating meat in 2012 was able to walk, talk, and eat again 20 minutes after taking the recent sleeping pills zolpidem.

The man, who was only introduced as Richard in the medical journal Cortex, responded with blinking eyes to questions, could not move spontaneously, and ate food through the tube.

Doctors saw Richard's chances of recovering very little, but based on several research papers stating that sleeping pills awakened the coma, they decided to take Zolpidem for him with a final hope.

After eating Zolpidem, Richard walked with the help of a caregiver 20 minutes later and called his father, who hadn't heard his son's voice for nearly 10 years, and ordered and ate convenience meals.

We also asked the nurse how to operate the wheelchair.

However, zolpidem only allowed them to stay in a normal state for 2 hours at a time after eating, and when taken for 5 consecutive days, it did not work because of tolerance.

Doctors analyzed that after Richard suffered a brain injury, his mental function declined, and his brain lost control over body movements, speech, and eating, and Zolpidem increased his mental and physical control.

Richard's brain was shown to fail in 2012 due to emotional overload whenever it tried to perform basic functions after injury.

As Zolpidem becomes resistant to Richard, medical staff are thinking about ways to gradually restore the function of the brain rather than suppress the sleeping pills by adjusting the timing of the medication.

They currently believe that they are giving Richard Zolpidem every two to three weeks, limiting the timing of the medication.

In the past, there have been reports of patients who had been in a coma around the world temporarily recovering from normal after taking sleeping pills.

The Dutch medical staff said they are working on ways to recover to normal forever using sleeping pills, taking the opportunity to treat Richard.