At a time when many young people in the Arab world are looking for opportunities to travel and emigrate, the major countries offer immigration programs dedicated to attracting professional and exceptional expertise and skills, and compete in overcoming obstacles to skilled workers, in an attempt to attract them and integrate into their societies.

Among those countries is New Zealand, which is considered a compass for immigrants because it provides a suitable standard of living for all jobs, availability of work opportunities, easy immigration procedures and obtaining citizenship, in addition to what is known about its people of coexistence and acceptance of others.

Lists of required employment

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment displays 3 lists that record the skills shortage in the New Zealand labor market:

List of long-term

skills shortages List of regional

skills shortages List of skills shortages in construction, infrastructure and construction.

These lists include skilled occupations and trades that are difficult for New Zealand employers to find employment for in the country. The government provides a site for searching jobs and clarifying the urgent need for that job, and allocates a special section in it for the shortage of structural engineering and construction jobs.

Auckland, northern New Zealand (social networking sites)

Check the applicant's acceptance

New Zealand, like other countries, adopts a points system to ensure that an applicant is suitable for admission to the immigration program, and needs 100 points for admission to the lottery programs and 160 for direct admission.

The electronic points index provides an opportunity for initial experience free of charge for applicants, as the main indicator for measuring the skill level from 1-10 depends on verifying certificates of graduation and experience through the New Zealand-Australian government website ANZSCO to assess applicants ’skills level.

The assessment of international qualifications "IQA" is an advanced indicator for evaluating higher education qualifications or professional qualifications, for certificates granted outside New Zealand, and the process of verifying your qualification from outside New Zealand requires 25 working days, in order to analyze and compare academic qualification certificates. With its New Zealand counterparts, NZQF.

The evaluation costs a minimum of NZ $ 445 ($ 293), and the cost increases according to the type of qualification and year of graduation.

Required occupations

The engineering and construction professions are at the top of the list, followed by the medical professions of doctors and nursing in the majority of disciplines.

The New Zealand immigration program allocates a large portion of jobs in the agricultural and dairy sector, and educational jobs appear on the list, as well as accounting, finance, tourism and reception areas.

Some of the required jobs are exempt from evaluation, such as train drivers, beauty salon workers, open water diving instructors, nurses' aides and teachers, and some immigration consulting firms provide a free electronic form that roughly shows the number of possible points to avoid paying sums without checking the possibility of passing the required points.

The New Zealand government also provides a list of professions that require union registration and provides direct means of communication with trade unions and institutions concerned with professional registration.

Despite the diversity of professions offered by New Zealand immigration, it still urges all the owners of other professions that did not find what suits them among all these lists to register their desire to travel to New Zealand to study any other possible possibilities in the future.

New Zealand is characterized by the beauty of nature and cultural and ethnic diversity, and immigration played an important role in achieving this, as immigrants helped shape modern New Zealand.

And in a survey of a New Zealand initiative, it indicated that 87% of immigrants who have not yet acquired a nationality feel that they belong to the place, and this percentage confirms the extent of the adaptation and adaptation of immigrants with New Zealand society.