<Anchor> At the

National Assembly today (19th), a national audit is being conducted against the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office and Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office investigating the Optimus and Lime cases.

Both the ruling and opposition parties are insisting on insolvent investigations, but the Democratic Party raised the responsibility of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and the power of the people was the responsibility of Justice Minister Chu Miae.

This is Kim Yong-tae.


Today's Judiciary Committee's state affairs audit was conducted against the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office investigating the Optimus case and the Southern District Prosecutors' Office investigating the Lyme case.

In particular, the ruling and opposition parties clashed over the exposure of former Star Mobility chairman Kim Bong-hyun, a key figure in the Lime case, to reveal suspicions of accepting money and goods from opposition politicians and hospitality for prosecutors.

The Democratic Party raised the responsibility of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, saying that the investigation of opposition officials and prosecutors was not conducted properly.

At the same time, he repeatedly emphasized the necessity of launching an airlift, saying it shows why the prosecution reform and airlift are needed.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Justice responded to the accused's letter in response to the public's power, and the Attorney General Chu Mi-ae's responsibility was discussed.

They responded by saying that a special prosecutor must be introduced for an investigation that the people can understand.

In the midst of this, Rep. Yoo Sang-beom, the power of the people, inquired that the name of the passport officials was included in the list of investors in the Optimus Fund and that confirmation was necessary, but dismissed that the passport parties were only the same name.

Regarding the suspicion of'prosecutor's corruption', Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office Park Soon-cheol said, "I'm embarrassed," and said, "A request for an investigation came from the Ministry of Justice and an investigation team was formed."