French teachers are committed to continuing to teach freedom of the press without giving in to the recent beheading of middle school teachers in a suburb of Paris.

Jean-Rumi Girard, chairman of the Secondary School Teachers' Union, said, "It is terrible that in the 21st century, it was beheaded for being taught by a teacher in the middle of the street."

"We will continue to teach freedom of expression, and we will work hard to encourage students' spirit of criticism and communicate that they have the right to oppose," said Girard.

The beheading incident occurred on the 16th at 5 pm local time near the Saint Tonorine School in Conplan, Yvlin, about 30 km northwest of Paris.

It is reported that the murdered middle school history and geography teacher Samuel Petit, 47, gave a class on the theme of freedom of expression on the 5th, and the weekly magazine Charlie Evdo showed a satirical review of the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. .

Petit also reminded students that they would not have to take classes, considering that this cartoon could be offensive to Muslim students.

However, since then, threatening calls have been made to the school several times, and a parent has also sued him for demanding discipline.

Feeling threatened, Petit only returned home to the residential area, not the forest road he normally passed, but could not avoid his anger.

The suspect in the beheading is known to be an 18-year-old from Chechen born in Moscow.

The French counter-terrorism prosecutor's office said it is investigating whether the crime is planned or whether there is an accomplice.

President Macron called Petit's death a "typical Islamic terrorist attack" and urged the whole of France to stand in solidarity against terrorism.

There are posts on social media in commemoration of Petty's death with the hashtag'I am a teacher too' (#JeSuisProf).