Driver's license and My Number Card Policy to unify in 2026 at the earliest October 16, 19:24

After meeting with the Minister for Regulatory Reform Kono and others over the digitization of driver's licenses, Mr. Okonogi told reporters that as early as 2026, he would unify the My Number card and license. Clarified the policy to introduce.

On the afternoon of the 16th, National Public Safety Commission Chairman Okonogi met with Minister for Regulatory Reform Kono and Minister for Digital Reform Hirai, and exchanged opinions on the digitization of driver's licenses.

After the meeting, the chairman of the National Public Safety Commission, Okonogi, told reporters, "Register the driver's license information on the IC chip of my number card and unify it. Procedures such as changing the address are also one-stop and live. Renewal procedures will be possible outside the region, "he said, and as early as 2026, he announced a policy to introduce a mechanism to unify the My Number card and driver's license.

He also expressed his intention to complete the work of formulating a process chart by the end of the year and unifying the system for managing different license information for each prefecture by 2025.