Less than two weeks after a working meeting with Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili, the members of the citizens' climate convention send an open letter to Emmanuel Macron.

Faced with the various declarations of ministers seeming to bury their proposals one by one, they ask the president to reaffirm his commitment. 

The members of the citizens' convention personally and directly questioned Emmanuel Macron in an open letter, published online Monday evening.

At the end of June, the president pledged to take back 146 of their 149 proposals aimed at reducing France's greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%.

But since then, the executive seems to be distancing itself.

After statements by some ministers against their proposals, some of these citizens are worried. 

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"We have a certain number of little sentences which are asked regularly which, as we go along, either bring wild cards or reduce our measures or unravel some of our work, whether for advertising or for VAT on the train, the weight of vehicles, the air, the moratorium on 5G ", points out Sylvain Burquier, one of the 150 members of the Climate Convention. 

In a letter @EmmanuelMacron the @ les150ccc ask for a reaffirmation of the presidential word concerning the measures of the #conventioncitoyenne.

Between small sentences, disillusions and unraveling ... are we still #sansfiltre?


- Sylvain Burquier (@SylvainBurquier) October 12, 2020

In this letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron, the members of the convention denounce "the absence of clear and defined support from the executive".

They therefore ask the president to reaffirm his commitment. 

"Contradictory positions"

"We call on the president to reaffirm a kind of course," said Amandine Roggeman for his part.

She hopes that Emmanuel Macron will tell them "that perhaps his ambition has changed or will go through other modalities" or that he is aiming for carbon neutrality.

Amandine Roggeman thus expects a "speech from her because today, there are contradictory positions which are not readable". 


 Anti-5G mobilization in Lyon: "We ask that Emmanuel Macron keep his commitments"

Last week, the president himself mentioned the possibility of postponing certain measures, in particular on the taxation of air travel, due to the crisis.

A minister assures him: "We are against any tax hike".