Do you understand the 30 distress signals sent by the heart?

  The heart is one of the most important organs in the body.

This fist-sized muscle never rests, pumping blood through the blood vessels day after day, keeping the physiological functions running and the continuation of life.

However, there are many things that can make this important organ go wrong.

Fortunately, if you pay attention to your body and take regular physical examinations, you can hope to solve the problem in advance.

The American "Best Life" website summarizes 30 warning signs that the heart is in trouble.

  Head symptoms

  Tight throat According to experts from the British Heart Foundation, if a tight throat keeps you suffocating, this may be a sign of a heart attack.

  Jaw pain Although chin pain does not seem to be severe, it is a common heart attack symptom, but it is rarely discussed.

Sometimes the manifestations of a heart attack or certain heart events can be felt on the jaw, teeth, and neck.

This pain can occur on the left and right sides of the jaw, and is more common in women.

  Severe headache If your headache is severe and does not go away, don't just take some medicine and forget it, but treat it as a sign of possible problems.

Headaches can be caused by a stroke or blood clots in the heart, especially when the pain is accompanied by vomiting and dizziness.

  Dizziness or fainting, although there are many reasons for fainting, such as standing up too quickly or taking certain medications, it may also mean heart problems.

The drop in blood pressure may be caused by a ruptured aorta.

  Limb symptoms

  Leg cramps Most people's muscles cramp from time to time, which is not a major problem.

However, if you often feel pain or cramps in your thighs, buttocks, or calves just while walking, you need to pay attention.

According to cardiologists at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, this may be a sign of aortic iliac artery occlusive disease.

  Arm or shoulder pain If this pain persists during exertion and feels slightly better at rest, it may mean that heart disease is brewing.

However, if you suddenly feel severe pain in your arms, back, or shoulders, combined with a squeezing sensation in your chest, you may have a heart attack.

  For some people, hair loss on the legs is convenient and beautiful, but it may be a sign of peripheral arterial disease. This circulatory disease refers to the accumulation of plaque in the arteries and reduces blood flow to the limbs. It will cause the legs to fall off.

  Heaviness of the legs When you have peripheral arterial disease, the lack of blood flow in the legs can make you feel heavy when you walk.

It can also cause pain, cramps, numbness or weakness.

  Severe back pain Sometimes heart problems send warning signs in unexpected parts of the body, one of which is the back.

If chest pain spreads to your upper back or lower back, you must seek medical attention promptly.

According to cardiologists at the Cleveland Clinic, this may be a subtle sign of a woman's heart attack.

  Abdominal pain If you have abdominal pain during exercise, but the pain disappears soon after resting, then the heart may be suggesting that you are developing heart disease.

  Chest discomfort Chest discomfort is often ignored by people, thinking that it is caused by eating a greasy meal.

However, if this discomfort, squeezing, fullness or even slight pain occurs in the center of the chest and lasts for more than a few minutes, this may be a warning sign that a heart attack is imminent.

  Hands and feet symptoms

  Open ulcers on the feet Open ulcers on the feet are incredibly painful and need to be checked by a doctor as soon as possible because they may be a sign of a heart disease called aortic occlusive disease, the aorta Is blocked.

This disease causes ischemia, which reduces the blood and oxygen supply to the tissues.

Ischemia may cause the tissues of the feet to rupture and form open ulcers.

  Toe pain If you often have toe pain for no apparent reason and notice cold or numbness in your legs while resting, this is also a sign of aortic iliac artery occlusive disease.

  Swelling of the feet, ankles, or legs is usually a sign of injury to a certain part of the body, but the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues can also be a sign of heart failure.

This happens when blood returns to the heart and is blocked, and it can cause tissue swelling.

  Systemic symptoms

  It is easy to feel tired when exercising. If you always feel exhausted during exercise, it may be caused by a congenital heart defect, but it has not been diagnosed.

Although most of the more serious congenital heart diseases are detected at birth, there are also less serious problems that are not discovered until adulthood.

  Fatigue Sometimes, fatigue is not just caused by busy schedules.

If you feel tired every day and this feeling of fatigue never seems to go away, this may be a sign of heart failure or coronary heart disease.

  Confusion or forgetfulness If you have recently experienced a decline in memory, confusion, or thought disturbance, this may be a sign of heart failure.

This happens when the level of certain chemical elements in the blood changes.

For example, changes in sodium content can cause confusion.

  Rapid weight gain Although heart failure has many symptoms, rapid weight gain is rarely known.

This is a sign of fluid retention caused by the heart's inability to pump blood normally.

This rapid weight gain may reach 0.9 to 1.4 kg in 24 hours, or 2.3 kg in a week.

  Sudden cold sweat If you sweat suddenly and your skin is cold, it is likely that you have a heart attack. This is a typical symptom and may (not) be accompanied by chest discomfort or pain.

  Symptoms of a panic attack Panic attack and heart attack are often difficult to distinguish because they have similar symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and physical weakness.

Therefore, doctors are required to determine which disease it is.

  Respiratory and cardiac symptoms

  Sleep apnea If you woke up in the middle of the night and gasped for breath, you may have sleep apnea. This sleep disorder causes breathing to stop and start again.

Because this problem prevents people from getting high quality sleep, it is often associated with stroke, heart failure, and high blood pressure.

  Long-term snoring Snoring not only affects your partner's sleep, it can also be a sign of heart problems.

According to a cardiologist at Harvard Medical School, snoring is a key sign of sleep apnea.

Fortunately, there are ways to fix snoring before it causes serious health risks.

In order to reduce the onset of sleep apnea, avoid sleeping in a supine position and instead sleep on your side while quitting smoking and alcohol.

  Difficulty breathing If you often have shortness of breath while moving, resting or sleeping, this may be caused by heart disease.

Since the heart cannot pump blood properly, the blood clogging in the veins can leak body fluids into the lungs and cause breathing problems.

  Irregular heartbeat Although the heartbeat can change due to anxiety, caffeine, or dehydration, any abnormal clues you notice during rest may be signs of a heart problem.

So, if you are watching your favorite show or reading a book, your heart starts beating irregularly or quickly, you should see a doctor.

  Fast and irregular heart rate This is the most common symptom of atrial fibrillation.

This special type of irregular heartbeat occurs when the abnormal discharge of electrical pulses causes atrial fibrillation.

If you have such abnormal feelings, you must seek medical attention, because atrial fibrillation also increases the risk of stroke.

  Brady heart rate Bradycardia is also a sign of abnormal heart function.

If your heart beats less than 60 times per minute, ask your doctor to check it.

Although bradycardia does not always cause problems, it may prevent the heart from supplying enough oxygen to the body, causing dizziness, chest pain, and other problems.

  Other symptoms

  Coughing up colored mucus Coughing always does not heal, and produces pink or white mucus (the fluid accumulates in the lungs), which is a common warning sign of heart disease.

Even if it looks like a severe cold, see your doctor as soon as possible to make sure it is not a more serious problem.

  Cardiologists at the Mayo Clinic believe that nighttime urination is more frequent than usual, and this increased urge to urinate may be a symptom of heart failure.

  Sudden feeling of nausea Sudden feeling of nausea or vomiting may not be because you have eaten unclean food, but because of a heart attack.

According to cardiologists at the Mayo Clinic, nausea is one of the main symptoms, accompanied by dizziness.

  There are many different causes of erectile dysfunction, and heart disease is rarely mentioned.

Men need extra blood during an erection, but if an artery is blocked, blood flow will be interrupted.

  Compilation/Li Yuefeng