Germany (archive photo)

  • Coronavirus is scary in Europe.

    Record in France: over 18 thousand new cases in 24 hours

  • Coronavirus Europe.

    Germany: another 2,563 Covid cases, close to 300,000.

    Madrid new restrictions

  • Coronavirus in Europe.

    Germany exceeds 300 thousand infections.

    Gb: 13 thousand in one day.

    Narrow in Iceland


October 8 2020L '


has exceeded 6 million cases of coronavirus is what emerges from an AFP count.

The situation in



: 'In some territories we have managed to slow things down, but the virus circulates faster.

And in places where it circulates too fast, in particular, among adults and where there are too many beds occupied in hospitals, then we will have to go towards greater restrictions, 'says President

Emmanuel Macron


Yesterday, 18,746 cases were registered in France.

"We are not and we will not be in a normal time" in the coming months continues Macron insisting, among other things, on the need to "empower citizens".

Peaks of more than 14,000 daily infections have been recorded for two days in the

United Kingdom

, while



continues to travel on numbers exceeding ten thousand cases every 24 hours.

New alarming record of coronavirus cases in


for the second consecutive day.

Over 4,000 new infections have been recorded in the last 24 hours, never so many since April 11, when the country was still in lockdown.

It had been 2,898 the previous day.