
12 June 2019 For the elderly, for the frail and the chronically ill, unfortunately the arrival of summer often coincides with health risks, which can worsen due to the consequences of loneliness, in some cases, but also of a banal generalized neglect in not following those simple precautions that in many cases can literally save lives.

"We must avoid that this year too the great heat determines the dramatic bulletin of victims among senior citizens, to which we are unfortunately accustomed", declares Roberto Messina, the President of Senior Italia FederAnziani, "despite the alarm being repeated every year. year, too often superficiality and carelessness determine very serious risks for the health of the most fragile. For this reason, renewing the appeal to the utmost caution, we want to spread an anti-heat handbook with the fundamental advice to be put into practice to prevent the worst consequences ". 

Here is the decalogue: 

1) Do not go out during the hottest hours of the day, ie from 12 to 17. 

2) Drink at least one and a half liters of fluids a day, in order to replenish the daily losses of mineral salts. Avoid alcoholic, carbonated, too sugary and too cold drinks. Don't overdo it with coffee or tea. 

3) Eat light meals. Prefer pasta, fruit, vegetables, fruit ice cream. Avoid fatty and spicy foods. 

4) Air the room where you live, even with the use of a fan, avoiding exposure to direct ventilation. 

5) Keep the garment sheltered from the sun. 

6) Wear light, non-tight, light-colored clothing and natural fabrics because synthetic fibers obstruct the passage of air. 

7) Do not expose yourself to the sun for a long time. If, following excessive exposure, a headache develops, make compresses with fresh water to lower the body temperature. 

8) Do not stay inside cars parked in the sun. 

9) Do not interrupt medical therapies, or replace the drugs that you usually take, on your own initiative. Always consult your doctor for any changes to the treatments you are following. 

10) If possible, it is advisable to go on vacation to hilly or spa resorts.

And finally, eleventh and no less essential rule, Senior Italia FederAnziani's exhortation addressed to the family members, friends, children, grandchildren and neighbors of our irreplaceable 'grandparents': "Don't leave them alone!", Declares President Messina, " Stay close to our seniors. This invitation is valid always, but even more so at this time of year when the weather conditions make life more difficult for them. Knock on their door every now and then to hear if they need something, because to they are prevented from leaving the house for most of the day due to the excessive heat. And if you can, take them on holiday with you! Give them a hand to enjoy a peaceful summer and make sure they follow the basic rules of our 'salvo Let us remember that illnesses do not go on vacation: be vigilant to avoid that they suspend drugs independently with the serious consequences that can derive from them in this moment of maximum vulnerability. because our elderly are an irreplaceable heritage ".