On the night of September 24, someone had thrown an object into Årbyskolan's music hall so that it started to burn.

Late last night the same thing happened but now towards the school's assembly hall which is next door to the music hall.

- Someone had smashed a window and thrown in a flammable liquid so it started to burn in a piano.

The rescue service was able to extinguish fairly quickly, but there was smoke and fire damage in the room, says Johan Gagnert, internal commander at the rescue service in Eskilstuna.

"It affects children"

The police have made a technical investigation of the place and the incident is classified as attempted murder.

- It affects the children and we think it is super boring. We can not enter our regular entrance to the dining room so students need to enter from the back instead. What also makes it so is that we use the assembly hall as an extra dining room due to corona so that the students can spread out so now there are some classes that can eat in their classrooms instead, says Elin Härnby, principal at Årbyskolan.