A local smuggling network in Colombia waits in the dark and then loads the boat with several hundred kilos of cocaine.

Via the Amazon River, drugs are smuggled across national borders in South America and on by car and plane to Europe's major cities. 

The documentary "The Cocaine Smugglers" begins in Colombia, which according to the UN is the world's largest cocaine producer.

It closely depicts the journey of cocaine from laboratories in the rainforest to the streets of Paris.

"Traveling with an Argentine passport"

Once the cocaine has traveled from Colombia to São Paulo, Brazil, it is handed over from one courier to another.

"Carmen" will travel with a suitcase where 800 grams are tucked into the telescopic handle.

The network has arranged a fake passport and she has made the smuggling trip between Brazil and Morocco before. 

- I travel with an Argentine passport, but I'm really Colombian.

If you have a Colombian passport, they check one.

But I can be calm, says "Carmen".

Increases a hundred times in value

When the cocaine party in the documentary reaches its final destination, Paris, it is worth a hundred times more than at the start of the journey in Colombia's rainforest.

From SEK 10,000 per kilo to SEK 1 million.

Want to know more about how cocaine is manufactured and smuggled into Europe?

Watch Documents from outside: The cocaine smugglers on SVT Play.