Several hospital unions and collective caregivers called Friday for a national strike day on October 15.

They are calling for "immediate massive hiring" and a "significant increase in wages".

Several hospital unions and caregivers' groups called on Friday for a "day of mobilization and national strike" on October 15, to demand "immediate massive hiring" and a "significant increase in wages".

The date had been set during the summer by CGT-Santé, now joined by SUD-Santé, emergency physicians from Amuf, nurses from SNPI, as well as the Inter-Urgences and Inter-Blocs collectives.


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Unions demand "'massive opening of beds" and "300 euros per month minimum" of wage increases

"Without a strong signal, the second wave of Covid-19 risks collapsing our health and social action system," said in a statement these organizations, which demand "the massive opening of beds" and "300 euros per month minimum "of wage increase.

The "Ségur de la santé", signed in July by other unions (FO, CFDT, Unsa), provides for a general increase of 183 euros net for hospital workers (excluding doctors), but "these memoranda of understanding (. ..) are not at all satisfactory, or even unsuited to the demands and demands of the staff, "they say.


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"Professionals in the medico-social, social and disability sector" who have not been included in the Ségur "must be recognized in the same way as all those involved in care and immediately obtain salary increases like the others", they add.

A point in common with the CFDT-Santé, which called Thursday for a day of strike on October 13 to demand the extension of Ségur to "agents and employees of social establishments and medico-social services".

FO-Santé said on Friday that it had obtained "the opening of negotiations" on October 12 on this subject for staff attached to the hospital public service.