The plans to rebuild Nyköpingsvägen are at an early stage and the municipality is currently conducting a feasibility study in order to investigate the conditions for the project.

But the idea is to rebuild the road to a city street and densify with new housing.

In addition, there are plans for a new bus station that will be connected to the station area, which SVT reported on earlier.

- This road works today as a barrier in the city and already in 2009 a decision was made to develop the area, says Stina Norrbom, project manager at the municipality.

Wants to reflect society

To make room for new homes, they want to redraw the stretch of road and then the fire station can no longer fit.

That is why they now want to move it to Hovsjö.

- I think it is good that we are not always in a city center.

We would like to recruit people with different backgrounds and it would also be beneficial to be established in Hovsjö.

We need to be a mirror image of society, says Hillevi Engström.

See more exact location of the new fire station and how the fire brigade looks at the situation in the video above.