Hannes Öhman - Storvreta IBK

Hannes Öhman, Sales and Marketing Manager Storvreta IBK Photo: Bildbyrån

“For us, it is clear that everything is welcome.

It would make certain things easier, that we can get some finances in the matches and not just expenses like now.

At the same time, we are in this situation with a pandemic and you do not want to jeopardize anyone's safety, so it's mixed feelings.

In our world, you want an audience but not at the expense of someone's health.

The arena has a good chunk of over 2,000 seats and has a generous number of entrances and exits where you can let in spectators, so we have great opportunities to meet all requirements.

The big part of this is the arrangement of the Storvreta Cup, where 500 in the audience is an incredibly important decision that would make it much easier. ”

Petra Brylander - Uppsala City Theater

Petra Brylander, Theater Director & CEO Uppsala City Theater Photo: Ramin Takamoli / SVT

"I am incredibly happy.

This means that we can start working to bring in a little more audience on our big stage where there are 550 seats.

We will never reach 500 places due to keeping a distance of one meter.

And it will not be like last spring when it was sold out on the big stage, but we have to orientate ourselves in the new landscape so that the audience dares to go to the theater and dare to come here again.

That the audience gets a good and safe theater visit and feels safe to come here. ”

Johan Lindh - Birger Jarl

Johan Lindh, co-owner of the nightclub Birger Jarl.

Photo: SVT

"It's clear that it affects us, but it depends on how creative you are.

We are a nightclub but have seemed like a restaurant and then it is restaurant rules that apply with a maximum of 300 people at a distance.

But if someone performs - as the example with Danny Saucedo's show this summer - it counts as an event where a limit of 50 people applies.

This is a step in the right direction that opens up new opportunities and solutions.

But our business as a nightclub - it's probably the kind of event you will release on relief for the very last.

It will take time before it becomes as usual. ”

Henrik Lillsjö - Uppsala concert and congress

Henrik Lillsjö, CEO / Artistic director Uppsala concert and congress Photo: SVT

"Of course we are very positive about the message.

But you have to keep in mind that the reality is not that simple.

There are different criteria around the capacity that means that you may not be able to take in so many people, but basically we are very happy and this signals to us that you have confidence that we can handle professionally and infection-proof ways.

We have not had time to decide how to relate to the new audience limit, but in the large hall where there are 1,120 seats, the number of spectators will be greatly reduced.

But it is a bigger step in the right direction than the proposals that have come before, and we have a house that is primarily for Uppsala residents to experience culture, so we want to take in as many as we can. "

Robert Lif - Almtuna IS

Robert Lif, club manager Almtuna IS Photo: Almtuna IS / private

"I am just positive.

We've heard this before and I have a fresh memory of what would have happened on 2 October.

Actually, they have only moved the message forward two weeks.

Of course it's positive, but in this corona world we live in now, it's a rapidly changing decision so I'm a little wary of cheering.

This would mean that we get income from audiences and kiosks, and that the youth and junior activities return to normal.

We have a capacity of around 1,500 seats so we can easily keep a distance of 1 meter. ”

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Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg (S) and Minister of Culture Amanda Lind (MP).

Photo: SVT