• Trump chooses Catholic Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court

  • Use 2020. Trump does not commit to a peaceful transition of power.

    Biden: "What country are we in?"

  • Usa 2020, WSJ / NBC poll: Biden ahead of Trump by 8 points

  • Biden: "I don't trust the president on vaccines but Fauci".

    Trump: if I lose, "China wins"


September 27, 2020

Donald Trump returns to ask for the "drug test" for Joe Biden before or immediately after their TV duel on Tuesday night.

"Of course I agree to take the test too", writes the American president on Twitter, stating how the previous performances of 'Sleepe Joe' in the debates, during the Democratic primary, have registered "irregular trends": "Only substance intake may have caused these discrepancies. "

The tweet comes after the harsh attack on the US presidential candidate Dem, during a rally in Pennsylvania.

"Biden is a dishonest politician and a puppet in the hands of the radical left," Trump said, with fans chanting 'lock him up', arrest him, as in 2016 against Hillary Clinton.

Trump then hinted at the alleged affairs of the Biden family in Ukraine and the alleged radical agenda of the former vice president: "Here it is no longer socialism, it is true communism".

I will be strongly demanding a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to, or after, the Debate on Tuesday night.

Naturally, I will agree to take one also.

His Debate performances have been record setting UNEVEN, to put it mildly.

Only drugs could have caused this discrepancy ???

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2020

Biden 10 points ahead of Trump (Abc / WP



In the latest Abc / Washington Post poll carried out at national level, meanwhile, Joe Biden is 10 points ahead of Trump, The former US vice president is ahead of Trump (53 % versus 43%) among registered voters (which is essentially no change from the 12-point margin recorded by a poll in August shortly before the Democrats and Republicans conventions).

Biden and his deputy, Kamala Harris, have a 10-point lead among the likely voters, 54% versus 44%.

Biden's lead tapers off when you count the Libertarian and Green candidates, Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkin.