An investigation by the French newspaper Le Monde - by monitoring the most widespread messages on Facebook in the United States over a period of a week - showed the "striking power" of extremist activists supporting US President Donald Trump.

The newspaper quoted Kevin Rowe, a journalist for the New York Times, who published at the end of last August the results of a lengthy analysis of the most popular content on Facebook in America, as saying, "If you think that Donald Trump cannot be re-elected next November, you are not spending Enough time on Facebook. "

Roose based his analysis on measuring the "interaction" indicator, which summarizes almost all reactions to messages, including sharing, commenting and liking, but it provides a general picture of the extent of their circulation and popularity.

From 11 to 18 September, the French newspaper monitored and analyzed the "most interactive" publications on the blue site widely used in the United States, where in the second quarter of this year about 198 million active accounts were recorded daily.

The analysis showed that issues related, from near or far, to American politics largely dominate the popular discussions, and that the blue platform has actually turned into a primary platform for transmitting opinions, information or rumors. President Trump knew very well how to use it to his advantage during the 2016 elections.

About 15 pages in support of the president also dominate the most popular and popular Facebook posts. In contrast, only a few messages supporting the positions and visions of the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, were able to find a site for them in the blue space.

The newspaper asserts that, despite the fact that the "interaction" indicator is not an accurate science and will not allow the results of the upcoming elections to be predicted, analysis of the most popular and popular contents on Facebook showed that Trump is based on a solid base of extremist activists, who are exploiting to the fullest extent the "playing with emotions" card. Provided by the Mark Zuckerberg platform.

Trump does not hesitate to feed rumors against his opponents through the communication sites, according to Le Monde (Reuters)

Corrupt toast and child sexual exploitation

Le Monde confirms through the results of her analysis that in the world of Trump loyalists, the topics raised by the Facebook "stars" who support the president turn into topics of public debate.

The newspaper cited the example of a person named Ben Shapiro whose messages in the blue space during the past 12 months received about 325 million interactions, more than what the American CNN channel had in the same period, "207 million interactions."

On September 11, Shapiro broadcast several messages, at a rate of 4 messages per hour, all of which were "fabrications" against Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

He claimed, for example, that "Biden opposed the raid that killed Osama bin Laden," and wrote a letter confirming that Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections was just a "conspiracy", and called for Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to be brought to trial.

The issue of combating child sexual abuse is a popular topic in pro-Trump circles on social media, and during mid-August this issue was exaggerated by a suspicious group called "Save Our Children" that went so far as to claim that the "Covid-19" virus is a distraction plan. Behind her is a conspiratorial class of child sex offenders.

Violence against the police

On September 13, a shooting incident involving two white policemen in Compton, a marginalized suburb of Los Angeles, dominated all of the pro-Trump Facebook pages.

In a very tense political context, activists supporting the president saw the attack as evidence of police hatred, embodied in their view by the "Black Lives Matter" movement that led the protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota.

Trump supporters took advantage of the incident to broadcast messages that included hate comments on this movement and everyone around it - such as the Democratic Party, Joe Biden and anti-Trump figures - messages that met with great interaction.

The newspaper reported that President Trump reacts to these comments and rumors and does not hesitate to feed them, writing on September 14 on his Facebook page, "Throughout the summer, Biden remained silent while his supporters from the extreme left set fire to police cars, police stations and courts ... and when ... Asked if he would cut the police budget, he replied, of course. "

Biden did not say, according to the newspaper.

Trump's most extreme supporters have a "striking influence power" on Facebook, according to the newspaper (Reuters)

Corona is a 'biological weapon'

On September 16, two articles published by the Daily Caller website, a far-right website that specializes in disseminating controversial content, received more follow-up than usual on supportive Facebook pages of Trump.

In one of the articles, the site published a video clip of Tucker Carlson, an extremist commentator for Fox News and one of the former founders of the site, during which he interrogated the Chinese virologist Li Ming Yan, who had sought refuge in the United States, confirming what she had repeated months ago that the Corona epidemic was behind a human element. Its development in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, is a thesis that according to Le Monde has not yet confirmed.

This time, the researcher presented a "new argument", a recently published report claiming that the virus’s artificial origin is not disputed. Nevertheless, the document does not contain - in the opinion of all the serious researchers who viewed it - any evidence that supports this proposition.

And a number of those involved in the release of the report work for an organization headed by Steve Bannon, former director of Donald Trump's campaign and former director of the far-right website Breitbart News.

The controversial video clip has been shared more than 15,000 times on Facebook, and it has sparked a storm of anger and condemnation among those interacting against China and the Chinese and against all of the American businessman Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and the United Nations.

George Soros and censorship

Le Monde mentioned that another favorite target of Trump supporters in the hypothetical realm is the American billionaire, George Soros, who is financing several projects.

Trump's supporters accuse him of anti-Semitism at other times of controlling the media and working in secret to destroy America and family values, and at other times of being the reason behind the emergence of the "Covid-19" virus.

In one of the videos widely circulated on the pro-Trump pages on September 17, "25,000 Shares", sexy TV commentator Glenn Beck claimed that George Soros was funding "riots and anarchy" in the United States.

In the afternoon, right-wing Newt Gingrich, the former president of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, was boycotted - during an interview on Fox News while talking about Soros - so the pro-Trump pages and the extremist "Breitbart News" website took advantage of the incident immediately to broadcast messages denouncing what they considered. Censorship. "

Le Monde asserts that the deaths of 200,000 Americans due to the Coronavirus and the government's "catastrophic" handling of the pandemic are not considered topics for Trump's hypothetical supporters. When they do not simply deny the failures of their president, they are content to blame a "conspiracy" they say is being hatched against him.

And she concludes that Facebook has become a "strong platform" for an extremist group that includes millions of Americans who fully believe in the existence of an anti-Trump conspiracy, behind which are anarchists, gays and conspirators who hide the truth of the epidemic from them.

They also have a predisposition to believe that any elections that do not result in the victory of their president are necessarily rigged.