- My first thought was that she had colic, but as soon as I arrived I saw that she was dead, says Åsa.

An eye and an ear were cut off and first Åsa walked around the pasture to try to find out what the pony had injured itself on.

- I was in shock and it was not until my sister came that I realized that I would call the police.

It seemed that it was not made by any animal. 

The police have been and conducted a crime scene investigation and Åsa is now waiting for an answer as to what the pony died of.

Traces of blood can still be seen in the gravel in the pasture and the pressing that Åsa used to cover the pony's body remains.

The pony Alinda was found dead in her paddock.

- I have not been able to remove it.

It goes up and down all the time.

We have cried and been desperate, but at the same time we have two more horses.

Somehow we got it together.

The three daughters have been allowed to stay home from school during the week.

One of them says she never wants to go to the stable again.

- I have told them as it is and it is clear that it is difficult to understand.

It's so macabre.

Concerns among horse owners

Just a few weeks ago, another horse in a village a few miles away was injured with a knife.

That investigation is also ongoing, but according to the police, there are no signs that they are dealing with each other. 

- Many horse owners are afraid.

The pastures are empty at night here now.

We still live so close.

I see the pasture from the house all the time.

The family bought the pony Alinda from a riding school three years ago.

- She was an absolutely wonderful horse.

She would have walked here in the pasture and played and been with us for many more years.