Practical working life orientation, prao, has been part of the education for the nines.

It usually lasts for five days, but this year there will be nothing.

Already last autumn, long before the pandemic, it was difficult to find places.

And now it's even worse.

Therefore, the Children and Education Committee in Gislaved recently decided that there will be no prao this autumn.

The municipality has tried to find places in the companies, but the corona pandemic means that many companies do not have the opportunity to receive students.

Seven out of ten said no

Prior to the decision, 100 companies in the municipality were asked about the possibilities of receiving students.

70 companies then replied that they did not have the opportunity.

- It is difficult to feel disappointed about a world situation that you can not control, says Per Lundgren, project manager at the children and education administration in Gislaved.

In order to focus on working life, some form of lessons about this will be held at the school instead.

You can hear more about it in the clip above.