It is important to praise good deeds and honor kindness.

According to a neuroscientist and professor of psychology at Stanford University, Jamil Zaki, "When we shine a light on gentle behavior, we contribute to its spread."

Studies show that acting tactfully reduces the release of stress hormones, making a person less prone to depression, less isolation and happier.

And many studies have shown that nice people enjoy better health and live longer.

In a report published in the American Wall Street Journal (wsj), writer Elizabeth Bernstein says that dealing with kindness with others brings many physical and psychological benefits to its owner.

She considers that polite behavior and being kind to others is a much-needed skill in the era of "Covid-19".

In such circumstances, which forced people to isolate, dealing with kindness helps in strengthening relationships with others, setting major goals in life, and applying our values ​​and principles.

Dealing with kindness with others gives you positive feelings, satisfaction and happiness in your relationships with them (Shutterstock)

Psychologists talk

From the point of view of psychologists, kindness is considered altruistic and has two types: reciprocal kindness, when you help someone and expect to benefit from it in some way.

The pure kindness for which you do not expect to receive anything in return.

And back to dr.

Zaki (Professor of Psychology), he says: Instinct is not the only factor responsible for our tendency to deal kindly with others. Rather, upbringing plays an important role as well in acquiring this behavior.

Stephanie Preston, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, confirms that acting kindly activates a part of the brain known as the reward system, which is responsible for pleasure and positive feelings, so the feeling we get when we act kindly is like what we feel when we eat our favorite meal.

The brain also secretes the hormone oxytocin known as the "love hormone" when we find a response from the person with whom we have acted kindly, which makes the positive feeling last longer.

And a study, published in the Journal of Positive Psychology in 2019, showed that those who believed in the value of being kind to others had more positive emotions, satisfaction and happiness in their relationships with others, compared to those who did not believe in the value of this behavior. .

The brain releases oxytocin, the "love hormone", when we respond to someone with whom we have acted kindly (Shutterstock)

A necessary skill

It is necessary for us to acquire the skill to behave kindly with others if we lack it, and to work on evaluating our actions day after day in order to achieve the goal.

According to the writer, it is very important that we care about the feelings of others and work to help them, but without neglecting our own needs, and we should not neglect the people closest to us and show kindness and kindness with strangers only.

She considers that polite behavior and behaving kindly to others has become required now more than ever, in light of the Corona pandemic that struck the world.

And people have already shown that they are more inclined to be kind during crises, as the pace of charity has increased, and they are more willing to provide assistance to elderly neighbors and leave greater perks to restaurant workers.

You have to practice showing your kindness to others and every time you go out smile and say hello (Getty Images)

Practical advice

  • Make gentle behavior a habit.

    Set aside some of your time to help someone else, make donations, and do volunteer work.

  •  Practice showing your kindness to others every time you go out, smile at people and say, hello.

    Text a friend who is going through an ordeal or help your neighbor get rid of the trash. 

  • Dr.

    Zaki "It might take a minute, and it doesn't cost you anything to make someone else feel happy."

  • Be nice to yourself.

    The psychology professor also says, "If you try to be kind to others and tough on yourself, you will drain all of your energy."

  • Have a short conversation.

    This can be a great thing for others, especially when you are in quarantine.

  • According to Sarah Konrath, a researcher at Indiana University's Lily Family College, research has shown that undertaking a variety of volunteer work makes you happier.

Psychology: Be kind to your loved ones, not just strangers (Shutterstock)

  • Says Dr.

    Preston "You should be kind to your loved ones, not just strangers. When you are nice to the people you live with, you can improve their mood and make them happier."

  • Find a role model to emulate her behavior.

  • You should not feel frustrated when others do not respond to you, it does not mean that they do not appreciate your efforts.

    You just have to convince yourself that everything will go well and keep moving forward.

  • Remember the good work you did before.

    Research indicates that remembering her makes you feel relaxed and joyful.

  • Teach your children how to be nice to others and lead by example.

  • Pay attention to the pleasant behavior of others and never hesitate to thank them on social media.