• Protagonists of the Coronavirus: Anthony Fauci, a 'chief doctor' in rebellion against the White House

"Dr. Fauci does not sugarcoat his words and refuses to be pressured by politicians.

He tells the truth, difficult as it may be to hear

, seriously and with one goal: to save lives."

This is how the presenter Jimmy Kimmel describes the doctor Anthony Fauci, the face of the fight against the coronavirus in the United States, which has already claimed more than 200,000 deaths in this country.

Fauci is, according to 'Time' magazine, the most influential person of 2020.

The renowned 79-year-old physician has been leading the US's responses to any infectious disease for 36 years.

His didactic and sincere press conferences, in which he has often opposed President Donald Trump, have earned him the trust of millions of Americans.

Donald Trump also sneaks into this list, although for less flattering reasons.

Thus, in the magazine's description of him, it is recalled how he managed to survive an "impeachment" and also highlights his controversial management of the pandemic.

Trump "

downplayed the severity of Covid-19

from the start, refused for months to wear a mask, and pressured government scientists to change their recommendations," the Time political correspondent says of the White House tenant.

In the section of political personalities there is also Kamala Harris, nominated by Joe Biden to occupy the vice-presidency in the event that he is the winner in the November presidential elections;

Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose "

foreign policy and economic strength spreads throughout the world

" - despite being accompanied by an authoritarianism reflected in the violent crackdown on protests in Hong Kong or the Uigu-r Muslim minority ;

or Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose profile is written by the president of the Commission, the also German

Ursula Von der Leyen

, who describes Merkel as an "

unusual politician

", endowed with "long-term vision" and "strategic patience".

In this compilation of influential personalities,

anonymous people

who ceased to be so due to the service they provided to the community or due to the social changes that they brought about

also deserve a section


In this area, for example,

the nurse Amy O'Sullivan appears

, with more than 18 years of experience in the emergency department of Wyckoff Hospital in Brooklyn.

O'Sullivan treated the first case of coronavirus at this center, which later became the first death from Covid-19 in early March, when the United States had not yet understood the magnitude of the health crisis it was going to face. .

This nurse came to be admitted with ventilation for being infected with coronavirus and, weeks later, she returned to work to save lives.

She is one of the millions of doctors and nurses around the world who have risked their lives to fight against a disease that has undoubtedly defined the year 2020.

Among the 100 proper names in this showcase of true 'influencers', 'Time' magazine recognizes several personalities who have marked this year in the world of music, art or activism.

The inclusion of the Chilean music and performance group 'Las Tesis' is striking, which became world famous for its catchy song 'A rapist on your way', chanted - and, above all, danced - by hundreds of thousands of women who they demonstrated this year against machismo in different parts of the planet.

For the magazine, this feminist hymn demonstrates how "popular art can change the world."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • U.S

  • Coronavirus

  • Donald trump

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