In Colombia, motorcyclists have been praised for their incredible wits to prevent tragic accidents.

On the 22nd of the local time, foreign media including CNN in the United States recently reported that a dizzying accident occurred in a residential area in Florencia, Colombia.

If you look at the CCTV footage at the time, a walker with wheels suddenly appears on the road in a residential area without people.

If you look closely, there is a small baby in the walker, and as the walker gains speed, it rolls along the ramp without hesitation.

At this point, a man in a blue suit appears on a motorcycle.

When the man finds a walker passing by quickly, he stops quickly and without hesitation, throws the motorcycle away and starts running towards the stroller.

The walker had already slipped down a steep descent, but the man took off his bag and managed to grab the walker in just 3 seconds.

The guardian of the child who recognized the situation belatedly ran hurriedly.

The man who saved the baby read the surprised carer and dragged the walker back up the slope.

Fortunately, the baby is said to be harmless and safe.

This video has garnered a lot of attention with 1.7 million views online. Netizen reactions to support men such as "recovered the lost love for humanity", "I have good quickness, but great courage and determination", and "This is a true superpower" are continuing.

This is'News Pick'.

(Source ='La Chiva Alerta' YouTube)