A police car (illustration) -


An outburst of violence.

A naked and bloody man took refuge Monday evening, around midnight, near a McDonald's restaurant in Pont-à-Mousson (Meurthe-et-Moselle), indicates a police source at

20 Minutes


The firefighters went there to take care of this 19-year-old, stabbed in the neck, chest and who has several severed fingers.

Before collapsing and being transported to hospital, the victim - unfavorably known to the police services - recounted being assaulted at his home during a libertine evening with a couple.

These two people are actively sought by the police of the SRPJ of Nancy, in charge of the investigations.


Poitiers: A suspect arrested after the kidnapping and rape of a 9-year-old girl


Côtes-d'Armor: A worker dies electrocuted after touching a high voltage line

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