Writer in the French magazine L'OBS, Pierre Husky, discusses what US President Donald Trump's position on the rest of the world would be if he was re-elected, asking: Will "Trump 2" be different from "Trump 1"? And will he continue to challenge traditional alliances, and reject Pluralism?

He also asked at the beginning of his article: What if Trump - despite the vulgarity, bad morals and defects that characterized his first term - is still able to qualify again, in the November 3 elections as President of the United States?

Although this scenario is not considered in the eyes of Europe - according to the writer - Husky nevertheless thinks that it is possible, and therefore "we must prepare for it, at least intellectually."

Imagine what the world might look like during the next two years of Trump’s rule.

And here Husky notes that it is difficult to predict this, in the absence of any important foreign policy statement in the current somewhat unrealistic campaign that America is going through, but the record of this administration over the past four years has not been encouraging, according to the writer.

Regarding the impact of "Trump 1" on the world, the writer said that he has already contributed to undermining the international order on which our world operates, with its good and bad, since the end of World War II. During its first period, it greatly weakened the multilateralism that was crucial in building cooperation between Countries, instead of the competition and arms race that prevailed among them.

Here the writer added: It is true that Trump was not the only one responsible for this, but the weight of the United States is decisive, of course.

To clarify what he went to, the writer enumerated some of the decisions taken by Trump, such as the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate agreement, the nuclear agreement with Iran, the World Health Organization, the imposition of sanctions against the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and contempt for the United Nations, etc. The many blows the Trump administration has taken 1 to multilateralism.

It is unlikely - according to Husky - that the position of "Trump 2" towards the rest of the world will differ much from that of "Trump 1", on the contrary, and since the process of completely repudiation of the treaties takes a long time, a second period will allow him to end the exit of states The United Nations from the Paris Climate Agreement, while his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, announced that he intends to return his country to that treaty, and this also applies to exit from the World Health Organization, which will not be in effect until after the elections, and thus this undermined work can continue throughout The next four years, which will make the world less "armed" to face crises together.

Withdrawal from NATO

Here, the writer pointed out that Trump's next goal may be to withdraw from NATO, which has not escaped criticism since he arrived at the White House.

And he has shown - according to the writer - that he prefers deals over alliances, such as those he imposes on South Korea, which has been increasing the price required of it in exchange for maintaining American forces there, and this is the same type of relationship that he builds with Poland, as he is convinced that this type From relations that benefit America more than joining NATO, whose members “exploit” the United States, according to his opinion.

The only thing for sure - Husky said - is that a second term for Trump will culminate in the transformation of the United States from a world policeman to a selfish superpower, and this can have good aspects such as the end of eternal wars, but at the same time threatens the world to turn into a jungle without Rules, so if Trump is re-elected, we must fasten the belts;

As there will inevitably be pitfalls and pitfalls, to quote the writer.