The comments of many American newspapers concluded that the departure of Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg will have a decisive impact on the conduct of the current presidential and legislative elections campaigns in the country.

The Washington Post said the death would affect voters' choices more than any other issue.

She explained in an article by writer Dan Bales that the next battle over the Ginsburg succession will witness procedural maneuvers and political games that no candidacy has ever seen before, due to the importance of this particular seat in the Supreme Court because it would strengthen the conservative majority in the court, and it would also give conservatives a rare opportunity to realize a dream. Long changed the balance of power within the court for years.

With this importance, the writer said, the attention of voters and political leaders will immediately shift from the Corona pandemic, economic turmoil and ethnic discrimination, to the Ginsburg succession.

And he confirmed that the issues that will affect the appointment to this position expand to include the cultural war that is currently dividing the country into red and blue states, as the debate rages over abortion, equality in marriage, health care and even the structure of government.

Strengthening Trump's rules

The writer concluded that the death of Ginsburg will change the accounts of the presidential candidates.

Donald Trump's base will be strengthened among evangelicals more and more because they place the issue of abortion at the top of their political activities.

Bloomgerg said in a


that the death of Ginsburg threw the Supreme Court just 6 weeks before polling day for the presidency, to the center of the competition for this position between Trump and Biden.

This report agreed with what was stated in the Washington Post article, where it says that for Trump and his Republican allies, the judge's departure will allow the judge to change the campaign cases away from the Corona pandemic that has burdened the president and reduced the chances of his victory.

He added that the importance of this opportunity for Republicans is reflected in the speeding up of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to announce his intention to work quickly to approve the president's candidate for the position, although, as most newspapers have indicated, he has strongly opposed the nomination of former Democratic President Barack Obama as a judge. To occupy a position on the Supreme Court, a holder of which died 9 months before the presidential elections.

As for Foreign Policy, it also echoed the same conclusions about Ginsburg's death, and stated - through

Michael Hirsch's

article -

that this death will change the content of the 2020 presidential campaigns at a time when opinion polls show that Trump is behind Biden by not a few points.