
19 September 2020 The medical certificate for returning to class without the swab test is "useless and harmful".

The president of the Fimp, Paolo Biasci, is convinced of this, and thus replies to the request of the National Deans' Association to make the presentation of the medical certificate for readmission to school compulsory after an absence of more than 5 days.

For Biasci "this is a bureaucratic requirement that has already been canceled in many Regions which could complicate the work of doctors and the lives of families".

"Certificate request without scientific basis"

"Do we want to limit access to avoid infections and then crowd the studios for a document that does not guarantee anything?", Asks Biasci.

"The request for the reintroduction of the compulsory medical certificate for returning to school is without scientific basis and contradicts the recommendations promoted up to now to contain the epidemic. The school world should want with us the measures to allow children and children to attend lessons safely. And the reintroduction of the certificate, which is based only on the evaluation of clinical conditions, would instead offer a false certainty about the contagious conditions of the pupils ".

Biasci proposes to "stick to the rules of the last DPCM" and follow "the care path indicated which involves the execution of the nasopharyngeal swab in all the main and most frequent conditions that cause the absence from the school communities. the management of organizational aspects, for which very little has been done in recent months ".

"Need for a swab report as quickly as possible"

"We now have a proven telephone triage system, possibly associated with video consultation - says Biasci - which allows us to identify all suspected cases of COVID-19 infection. school in safety we need to have a swab report as quickly as possible, in order to draw up a certificate that will allow us to return to school. , precisely because it has no scientific value and does not allow for the exclusion of contagiosity? How can we certify with certainty the non-contagiousness of a patient without first having carried out the only test validated to date to resolve the diagnosis? ".

"Rather - concludes Biasci - let's focus on the organizational aspects of managing the epidemic. We are doing our part, but it is not possible to have to wait 4-5 days and even more for the outcome of the nasopharyngeal swab for Covid-19 when , if the same patient goes to the emergency room, the answer arrives in 4 hours. We try to reduce the disparity between hospital times and the territory. The first to benefit will be children and their families ".