The situation this summer has, to say the least, been variable at STF's homes.

Some accommodations have reported fully booked and higher pressure than usual while others have had unusually few guests.

According to Jenny Engström, communications manager at STF, it has been toughest in the metropolitan areas where occupancy is still low.

The hiking trend exploded

At the same time, the mountains and the hiking trend have completely exploded.

This is a trend that cannot be fully reflected in STF's figures for occupancy of the facilities.

- The proportion of guests in the mountains who do not live with us has become much larger.

It can be day guests that go out during the day and we have an incredible increase in the number of tents, says Niclas Winbom.

Lost 50 million in booking revenue

Financially, STF is in a better position now than last spring when the organization was threatened with bankruptcy.

During the spring and winter, STF lost around 50 million in booking revenues and many planned investments and purchases had to be postponed to the future.

At the same time, they were forced to lay off and lay off staff.

The situation is still strained.

Niclas Winbom tells more in the clip.