"I am here today to be educated." On September 16, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting in Hunan, came to the exhibition hall "The Warmth of Half a Quilt" to relive the warm stories in the red history.

Story: Half a quilt with deep water

  In early November 1934, after the Central Red Army broke through the second blockade, they came to Wenming Yao Township in Rucheng County for rest and rehabilitation. The Ministry of Health and Logistics Department were stationed in Shazhou Village.

About 7 days later, they embarked on a long journey.

  On October 21, 2016, at the meeting to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army’s Long March, the general secretary told a story that happened here: “In Shazhou Village, Rucheng County, Hunan, three female Red Army soldiers stayed at the old man Xu Jiexiu’s home. Before leaving, Cut half of my only quilt and leave it to the elderly."

  Because of this warm story, Shazhou Village is known as the "Red Army Landlord Village".

Before his death in 1991, Xu Jiexiu still told his children and grandchildren: "You must go with the Communist Party, because the Communist Party is a good person who has only one quilt and half of you."

△In Shazhou Village, Rucheng County, Hunan Province, the old house and small bed where the three female Red Army and Xu Jiexiu lived together are kept.

  In October 2017, the "Warmth of a Half Quilt" thematic exhibition hall was completed and opened to the public, demonstrating the deep love of the Red Army that "the army loves the people and the people support the army" when the Red Army crossed Rucheng.

  During this Hunan expedition, Xi Jinping’s first inspection site was Shazhou Village, and his first visit was the "Half Quilt Warmth" thematic exhibition hall.

During the visit, the general secretary said that today, we relived this story and were still very moved.

Enlightenment: Don't forget your original intention and always keep your true colors

  In his speech four years ago, Xi Jinping said that a history of the Long March of the Red Army is a history that reflects the deep love of the military and civilians.

Being in the same boat as the people, being connected by blood, and living and dying together is the fundamental guarantee for the victory of the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army in the Long March, and also the fundamental guarantee for us to overcome all difficulties and risks.

  During this field visit to Shazhou Village, the general secretary repeatedly talked about the enlightenment of this story.

In the special exhibition hall, he said that "the story of half a quilt" embodies the original intentions and true qualities of the Chinese Communists. When the Red Army was short of food and clothing, life and death were at stake, it was really a general relationship between the cold and warmth of the people. situation!

The common people also understood what is the People's Army led by the Communist Party of China.

  In the home of Xu Jiexiu’s descendants, villager Zhu Xiaohong, the general secretary said: “Because of the support of the people, our party has a glorious course and a glorious cause. The changes in your family also show a truth. The Communist Party insists on serving the people. Do it."

  In the fourth grade class of the first elementary school in Wenming Yao Township, the general secretary told the children that as the place where the "half-quilt story" took place, the red gene must be reflected in you.

The revolutionary cause must be passed on from generation to generation, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be realized in the hands of today's young people.

  In the village square, the general secretary said that the Chinese communists themselves have a quilt that can be divided into half for the people.

The party has not forgotten its original aspirations for nearly a century. The people regard the Communist Party as their own party and the people’s party.

"When I came here today, I was also educated. As a member of the Communist Party, as a responsible cadre of the Communist Party, I myself have to be educated, baptized, and inspired to perform my duties well."

Looking back: Wuyin's initial mood is the people

  The touching stories of military and civilian fish and water are soaked in the revolutionary journey of war.

In recent years of domestic inspections, witnesses like the "half quilt" in Shazhou Village have always caused the general secretary to stop and watch and contemplate.

  Yudu, Jiangxi, the starting place for the Long March of the Central Red Army.

When the Central Red Army set off, Yudu River was more than 600 meters wide and the water was deep and the waves were rough.

In order to erect the floating bridge, the people of Yudu removed their own door panels and bed panels, and an old man also sent his life materials to the bridge erection site.

Today, in the Long March Departure Memorial Hall of the Central Red Army in Yudu County, the door panels used to build the pontoon bridge are still displayed.

△The Central Red Army Departure Memorial Hall reproduces the scene where the old man Yudu donated his coffin to the Red Army to build a pontoon.

(Photo by CCTV reporter Guo Hanguang)

  In May 2019, Xi Jinping said emotionally while visiting the Central Red Army’s Long March Departure Memorial Hall. Now that the country has developed and people’s lives have improved, we must drink water and think about the source. We must not forget the revolutionary ancestors, revolutionary martyrs, and the elders and villagers in the old revolutionary areas.

"It is the original intention of the party and the perseverance of the party to take the people's heart as the heart, breathe with the people, share fate, and heart to heart."

  71 years ago, the last major battle of the Liberation War was about to unfold on the Yangtze River.

With the support of the people, the People's Liberation Army recruited more than 10,000 ships in just half a month and broke through the Yangtze River defense line in one fell swoop.

Today, the ferry boat of the year is still kept in the Memorial Hall of the Battle of Crossing the River.

  In August of this year, the general secretary said when visiting the Memorial Hall of the Battle of Crossing the River in Hefei, Anhui, “The victory of the Battle of Huaihai was achieved by the people using small carts, and the victory of the Battle of Crossing the river was achieved by the people using small boats. We will do it at all times. Do not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind, and you must not forget the root of the people, and always be a loyal people's server."

△The ferry in the Memorial Hall of the Battle of Crossing River

  Those who see, those who know come.

Only by looking back at the path from time to time can we be more determined on the way forward.

At the recent National Commendation Conference for Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic, the General Secretary stated: "History and reality tell us that as long as we rely on the people and do everything for the people, we can fully stimulate the people's indomitable will and perseverance. , We will surely be able to bring the overwhelming majority of the people together closely and continue to create new historical glory for the Chinese nation."

  Producer丨Shen Yong Zhao Xue Xue

  Chief Author丨Hou Yan

  Vision丨Chen Kuo