Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Hiroshige Seko approves reappointment September 16 12:08

The Liberal Democratic Party of the House of Councilors held a special general meeting and approved the reappointment of Secretary-General of the House of Councilors Seko.

The Liberal Democratic Party of the House of Councilors held a special general meeting on the morning of the 16th, and proposed and approved that the chairman of the House of Councilors Sekiguchi would reappoint the secretary-general of the House of Councilors Seko.

Mr. Sekiguchi and Mr. Seko were responsible for the personnel affairs of the Liberal Democratic Party of the House of Councilors, including the chairman of the Policy Council.

After this, Mr. Seko said, "Finally, the new administration of Kan will be inaugurated. We will unite as the Liberal Democratic Party of the House of Councilors and firmly support the administration. ".