The radio, TV and social media profile Alex Jones has been called "The king of conspiracy".

Through his media channel Infowars, he has claimed, among other things, that the US government was behind the attack on the World Trade Center and that the school shooting at Sandy Hook in 2012, where 20 children and six adults died, was a hoax.  

Trump was a guest on the TV show 

A new documentary, The United States of Conspiracies, depicts how Jones tried to gather his million-dollar audience behind Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaign. Donald Trump himself visited the show's controversial TV profile during the premiere election.  

- The large group of Americans who felt outside the established politics saw, through that interview, that there was a person who approves of opinions they have, says Christian Christensen, professor of journalism at Stockholm University.  

Conspiracies take up more space  

In the election in the USA 2020, Alex Jones is not as visible, according to Christian Christensen.

Several social media platforms have blocked his accounts.

But the conspiracy theories live on and have taken an increasing place in the political space, says Christian Christensen.   

- It has become part of everyday American culture, where politicians at press conferences have to spend time responding to insane statements.

If they choose not to respond, they will be accused of obscuring. 

The entire documentary The United States of Conspiracies can be seen on SVT Play.