Zineb El Rhazoui, journalist at Charlie Hebdo until 2016, was the guest of Europe 1 on Sunday.

She returned to the Paris bombings trial, which is taking place at the moment and which she is attending.

But she demands that the trial of radical Islam be done.

While the first week of the Paris bombings trial has just ended, journalist and writer Zineb El Rhazoui was the guest of Europe 1 on Sunday evening.

Member of the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo until 2016, she escaped the attacks against the satirical newspaper because she was at that time on vacation.

If she says she is satisfied that the trial takes place, Zineb El Rhazoui also demands that the "trial of Islamism be done".

"Me and other civilian Charlie Hebdo parties have the terrifying feeling that the killer is still running. If the killer is no longer running, someone has to explain to me why I have been living under police protection for six years." , she said.

"The threat is still there. We have the impression that the noose is tightening around us. We are waiting for the ideology to be tried," Zineb El Rhazoui continued.

More information to follow.