Thousands of hopes,

  Finally opened!



  The "sacred beast" who has been stubborn at home for several months,

  Finally "coming out"!

  Chinese parents who thought they could breathe a sigh of relief

  Surprised (fear) to discover,

  A new wave of challenges is on the way!

Data map: Elementary school students in Arlington, Virginia, USA come to school to receive teaching supplies for the new semester.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

Offline teaching or remote teaching?

  Offline teaching or remote teaching?

  On this "multiple choice question", Chinese parents naturally formed two views.

On the one hand, parents are still worried about the situation of the epidemic and are not sure whether the health and safety of their children at school can be guaranteed.

  Ms. Wu, a Chinese from New York, said that anti-epidemic measures such as wearing masks are more difficult for young children to implement.

In addition, she is not at ease about the school's virus detection efforts.

Compared with random sampling once a month, she believes that the school should increase the frequency of testing and cooperate with community organizations to provide safe and timely testing resources.

  Ms. Chen, who lives in Manhattan, said that her son is allergic to pollen and can't help rubbing his face and nose every spring and flu season.

For this reason, she has long decided to let her children study at home this semester, first to avoid the flu season, and second to observe whether the security measures of the Education Bureau are in place after school starts, and then decide whether to let the children return to school.

  Some Chinese Canadian parents believe that although the number of classmates their children have contact with at school is limited, it is not known how other students are doing outside school activities. For safety, they do not want their children to "risk".

  On the other hand, parents believe that their children lack awareness of online lessons at home, which easily affects the learning effect.

  New York Chinese Ms. Zhou said that online teaching mainly relies on children's conscious self-discipline, which is a challenge for many parents.

Her son is in high school, and she often feels unable to supervise and tutor senior students.

  Although she decided to let her children study at home, Ms. Chen from Manhattan also admitted that there is still a big gap between online teaching and face-to-face classes.

She said that the online class teacher mainly assigns homework assignments and lacks communication and interaction. Her son is in the stage of preparing for further studies, and the children's studies may be affected in the long term.

  Some Chinese parents in Canada reported that they did not know their children's learning conditions during the online classes, nor did they know whether their children turned in their homework on time. The only certainty was that their children turned on their computers on time.

Although students may be absent-minded in class at school, at least one computer will not be used for class and another will be used to play games.

Data map: Spanish schools resume classes.

(Screenshot of CCTV News Video)

  Both views are well-founded, and most Chinese parents are caught in a dilemma.

However, some parents have changed the "multiple choice questions" into "open questions."

  A Chinese parent in Spain put forward his own opinions on the resumption of classes, saying that they should not blindly refuse, and that classes can be resumed conditionally, rationally and gradually.

Through face-to-face and online teaching, two non-contradictory education methods, each family can make full use of time and resources to ensure their children's learning environment and healthy life.

Sending children to school, broken heart

  How long does it take to send my child to school?

British Chinese Ms. Ho's answer is 30 minutes.

She has two daughters. Let’s take a look at how Ms. He spent these 30 minutes on the first day when the sisters returned to school.

  The two sisters are in the sixth and fourth grades respectively, and the time of entering school is different for each grade. Each grade has about 10 minutes of entering school.

When the students enter the campus, each class has its own meeting point.

The eldest daughter entered school earlier, at 8:30 in the morning, Ms. He went to the sixth grade team first.

  "The school attaches great importance to and is cautious. Each grade queues up at different times. One-way entry and exit are also one-way routes." At the designated meeting point for the class, the teacher stood there to greet the students.

Ms. He has completed the task of sending her eldest daughter to school.

  Then she came out from the side door and went back to the entrance of the school to line up the fourth grade team to send her little daughter to school.

She needs to repeat the same route and process.

  In this way, after sending the little girl off, she walked out of the school again.

Although the process is cumbersome, time-consuming and laborious, Ms. He also sees the orderly situation.

"Everyone has a good queue, and the epidemic has given everyone a one-meter sense of social distance."

Data map: All primary and secondary schools in the UK resume classes.

(Screenshot of CCTV News Video)

The soul asked: What do you eat today?

  What is nutritious and healthy for children to eat at noon every day?

  In normal times, this question may not be difficult to answer.

Under the epidemic situation, the answer will have to be qualified.

Ms. Zhang lives in London. For safety reasons, her son’s school suggests that parents prepare their own lunch for their children.

Although the school makes such a suggestion, the reality is that heating up lunch is troublesome for children, which means that children can only bring cold food to school.

  Is it cold food?

Need nutrition again?

Do you want to save effort?

Ms. Zhang laughed and said: "This is testing parents again." So, she collected some lunch recipes, hoping to find inspiration.

  The two daughters of British Chinese Ms. Ho also faced the problem of inconvenience to eat at noon.

The school lunch cancels the hot food supply, only cold food, and cold food is delivered to the classroom, and students can only eat in the classroom.

The sisters decided to bring their own lunch. The night before, Ms. He took them to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

"They made their own sandwiches, and brought some fruit and cheese for lunch the next day."

Data map: Nice, France. Students return to school after summer vacation. Teachers and students wear masks to take protective measures indoors and outdoors.

Charity and love, one cannot be less

  Outside a Chinese gate in Malaysia, when the sky is still dark, a group of people wearing reflective vests are standing guard in line with a lighted baton.

This is a traffic management team spontaneously formed by the Chinese Primary School Tutors Association and the Caring Parents Group.

  Due to traffic jams on the road outside the school gate during school hours, they took the initiative to join the caring parent group to direct traffic during school hours to ensure the safety of children.

  "Enthusiastic parents also sponsor related equipment, including reflective vests, whistles, and traffic batons," said the principal.

The vice chairman of the Chinese Family Association pointed out that more and more parents have joined the caring parent group this year. At present, 30 parents are mainly divided into the caring epidemic prevention group and the traffic management group.

  In addition to directing traffic during school hours, parents in charge of traffic management also try to guide other parents who drive their children to a designated location to stop, and let more students get off and walk into the campus in a short time as possible.

Under the epidemic, the order of the campus is even more precious.

Data map: Malaysian public transport under the epidemic

  As the saying goes,

  Pity the parents of the world.

  Looking at all these "tests",

  Can't help but sigh,

  As a parent, it is not easy.

  I believe that Chinese parents who have experienced the "opening test",

  I really did "grow up together" with the children.

  (Source material: the United States, "Qiao Bao", Canada's "Sing Tao Daily", the British "China News Weekly," Spain "Europe and China" and other; Author: Liang iso)