In Thursday night's local news broadcast, the chairman of the senior citizens 'committee, Bengt-Åke Nilsson (L), said that staff at Västerås nursing homes misinterpret the recommendations regarding relatives' meetings.

Among other things, care staff must have prevented the elderly from going outdoors to meet their loved ones.

The trade union Kommunal is critical of the fact that such a great responsibility is placed on the already pressured care staff and demands more clarity from the employer.

- It is the next responsible manager who has the mandate to decide whether a visit is to be considered safe or not.

But the housing also has different conditions, so it is clear that it is important that there is a clear support from the administration in how to practice this, says Tobias Åsell, director of the care and welfare administration in Västerås.

Handled differently in different accommodations

When SVT contacts the Elderly Commission, whose mission is to support the quality of elderly care in Västerås and, among other things, receive comments and complaints from relatives, they have not received any concrete stories.

On the other hand, they have received signals that it looks very different at different homes in Västerås how recommendations and guidelines are interpreted and followed.