Gerald Darmanin, September 8, 2020. -


Gérald Darmanin announced on Friday that each LBD shot during demonstrations would now be subject to the agreement of a "supervisor" and that a new de-encircling hand grenade (GMD), supposed to be less dangerous, would be used from Saturday , date of new mobilizations of "yellow vests".

Speaking at the official installation ceremony of the new head of CRS Pascale Regnault-Dubois, the Minister of the Interior presented the main lines of the new national law enforcement plan (SNMO), which will include in in addition to a legislative framework so that images taken by drones in particular can be used by the police.


Did the police throw de-encirclement grenades at protesting firefighters?


LBD, hooded police officers… The Defender of Rights Jacques Toubon underlines “the urgency” to change the maintenance of order

  • Government

  • Yellow vests

  • Police

  • Demonstration