The day before yesterday (September 8), there was an article titled "Takeaway rider trapped in the system" and quickly swiped the screen. It mainly wrote: The takeaway platform uses more and more advanced algorithms to force the takeaway boy to run wildly. On the way to deliver the food, dangers were all around.

So, what is the pressure caused by this article and the future solution direction?

"News 1+1" Bai Yansong connected with Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, to discuss the incident.

  Now that the screen is swiped, it naturally becomes a kind of pressure; as soon as there is pressure, the two important take-out platforms "Election" and "Meituan" that are pointed at by the target begin to respond.

  "Are you hungry" responded earlier, but it may be because it responded earlier, which seemed a bit understatement. The method it chose was to give consumers an option: "I'm willing to wait 5 to 10 minutes."

  Take a look at a survey:

Would you like to wait 5 to 10 minutes longer for the takeaway?

  44% said yes, not bad for 5 to 10 minutes; 20% said no; 36% said it depends on the situation.

The platform is equipped with a "wait 5 to 10 minutes" button. Do you think it can relieve the time pressure of the delivery staff?

  61% said it can be alleviated; 38% said no, the platform should optimize the algorithm, not the consumer.

  The magic is that at 6:43 pm yesterday evening, 75% of netizens chose not to. The platform should optimize the algorithm instead of the consumers.


a mysterious force

quickly increased the first option.

Bai Yansong:

Is this mysterious force surnamed "water"?

Since this data is distorted, let me talk about my opinion.

I firmly oppose adding "wait 5 to 10 minutes" to solve this problem.

Because the solution to this problem relies on platforms and supervision, consumers cannot be thrown away.

In addition, from a human point of view, once the consumer is said to be very warm and chooses "I can wait 5 to 10 minutes", the takeaway boy may first send it to customers who do not choose this option, because they are in a hurry, and then give it to you In the end, there may be a phenomenon that the more tolerant and warmer people suffer, the more disadvantaged. This is not appropriate.

  Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, also answered some related questions.

From "Are you hungry" to "Meituan"'s response tonight, is it crisis public relations, or is it sincerely preparing to solve the problem?

  From the reaction of "Are you hungry" today (9th) morning and the reaction of "Meituan" this afternoon (9th), I feel that there is a sense of rush in crisis public relations, but in fact I did not face the problem well. Recognizing such problems in their own business, many consumers do not pay for this prevarication, especially in the morning, "Are you hungry?" actually imposes a lot of responsibility on consumers, allowing consumers to save this time. However, the core of the problem is not caused by consumers. The essence is that these companies have problems in the design of algorithms, including the care of employees.

What do you think of Meituan’s response on the evening of the 9th and which ones are desirable?

  Compared with the hurried response of "Are you hungry" on the morning of the 9th, the response of "Meituan" was more prepared.

It first admitted its own mistakes, including talking about better improvements in the system and care for employees, which is an attitude worthy of attention.

In fact, there are deep-seated reasons for such problems. Both platform companies and regulators need to consider how to further improve, create a relatively healthy and standardized ecological environment, and allow related companies to develop well, including enabling related employees Get some protection of labor rights.

How do you think about the result of "treating people as machines"?

  In fact, the attitude of takeaway companies to some current takeaway riders is questionable.

Typically, I describe it as a mobile sweatshop. In fact, it does not treat these living people as real people, but coldly uses algorithms to manage and even discipline some riders, and let them follow the designated route. , Even if it is wrong and dangerous.

This approach does not really care about or face up to the occupational health and occupational safety of takeaway riders. Corporate social responsibility, including the implementation of relevant laws and regulations, requires reflection and improvement.

What kind of management is reasonable, and why does it make everyone feel unreasonable now?

  When companies are optimizing algorithms, they don’t consider the takeaway rider as a living person, and the reality of the city’s environment is complex, and is always optimized in an ideal state, and the purpose of optimization is not to make the rider safer. , But to compress time, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. In fact, its goal is deviation.

The final result can also be seen, a lot of problems have arisen for foreign riders.

Should the takeaway platform learn from a longer-term evaluation system?

  The improvement in this area is actually very valuable.

At present, many food delivery platform companies do not regard the food delivery riders as long-term partners, but look at them very short-sighted, including reducing their costs as much as possible, and are unwilling to carry out long-term assessments and rewards, so they may come on a per-order basis. In this way, the cost of each order can be reduced, and even the penalty can be managed. This is beneficial to him, so he may not be willing to make such improvements.

We expect him to manage the takeaway riders in this way, including the long-term sustainability of the industry.

Why can the takeaway rider accept such an unreasonable and oppressive state?

  In fact, many of the takeaway riders come from migrant workers, including some who have transitioned from manufacturing companies. At this time, there is a huge gap between their status and the status of the company.

Platform companies are very strong, while the supply of takeaway riders exceeds demand. They are scattered, and they are not effectively organized. They do not have their own spokespersons and rights protection organizations. At this time, they are largely in a position to be slaughtered. Very unfavorable.

So even if they have their own dissatisfaction, sometimes they can't speak up, even after they speak up, there is no substantial impact.

In this regard, relevant departments including industry associations and similar rights protection organizations should be able to open up to takeaway riders and provide them with relevant protection.

What is your expectation from crisis public relations to sincere change?

  In essence, we expect that companies should not just treat such a crisis as a crisis, because we often say that there is an organic crisis. Such a crisis seems to be negative news. For companies, it is precisely such a crisis that needs to be used to better respond. The organization reflects on the enterprise, what is the existence of such an enterprise, and what is the mission of the enterprise, including whether it can provide workers with a dignified, safe and decent job in many aspects, not just for the sake of each other. To benefit, in order for capital to continue to increase profits, companies in this regard need to conduct in-depth reflections rather than simple wording responses.

  The relevant platforms should also fully understand that we are not looking at such incidents with a malicious intent. It is precisely that all of us are beneficiaries of the rapid rise of this type of business. Therefore, we hope that all parties can participate in it to form a win-win situation Angle.

It is true that companies cannot crisis public relations, but should change sincerely, no matter whether they are active or passive, I hope they will be active this time.

  The next thing we need to care about is that in the past few years, the government's competent authorities have been watching the development of the emerging business with a relatively tolerant attitude. They also know that there are many problems with it, but they are afraid that the business will not develop smoothly as soon as it is suppressed. .

But at a certain stage of development, I'm afraid it still needs to be managed.

How to manage it better?

Which department does the takeaway rider control?

Which department manages this line of angelica?

  In fact, the food delivery industry does not have a department responsible for it. It involves the jurisdiction of many related departments, including postal services, food safety, and industries such as transportation and human resources. However, there is actually no clear department that manages food delivery.

What should the regulatory authorities do at this time?

  In recent years, the regulation of emerging business formats has been inclusive and prudent.

However, it can be seen that the government departments are tolerant and prudent in the delivery industry, but platform companies are not tolerant and prudent about the delivery riders. Instead, they are intensifying their profit-seeking, and it can even be said to be squeezing management.

In this respect, relevant government departments need to adopt trigger-based supervision, that is, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have issued relevant opinions not long ago, that is, once enterprise-related behavior violates the relevant bottom line, the government department should take action, and it is When it's time to shoot, it must be effective.

Competition is a normal market economy, but to avoid vicious competition through supervision, it will eventually become a reduction in the time of one's own employees. How do you view this issue?

  In fact, the food delivery industry is now in a state of competition between two major oligarchs. If there is no supervision, it will be a jungle law of the weak and the strong. It can even be said that bad money drives out good money.

In other words, if a company slows down time, another company will occupy its market rate, which is unhealthy.

So from this perspective, the government needs to be aware of the bottom line and decide what is untouchable. Once touched, it must take action against these companies. Otherwise, the more they violate the law, the more profitable the industry will be. Unhealthy.

Will this article lead the food delivery industry in the desired direction?

  In fact, I am cautiously optimistic about the extensive discussion and attention that such an article has triggered.

The so-called cautious optimism means optimism on the whole. I believe that the regulatory authorities will definitely take action.

However, the complexity and uncertainty of such an industry structure actually pose a lot of challenges to our supervision. We must avoid the problems of chaos and death when supervision often occurs.

This problem is actually very prominent. It is in this state when it is released, but when it is managed, it is worried that it will be managed to death.

Many other issues, such as labor security, five social insurance and one housing fund, will take longer to resolve, or will they be included in this solution?

  Such a time is a very good time for systematic reflection.

Whether it is platform companies, consumers, regulators, or even the riders themselves, they need to reflect. Such an industry has grown to the present, it has absorbed so many jobs and facilitated the lives of so many people, but there is a group that has been ignored for a long time. Even being suppressed, how do you systematically reflect at this time?

Including generating a basket of solutions to solve long-standing fundamental problems.

Consumers shouldn't say "I agree to 5 to 10 minutes", what should they do?

  Consumers are supreme. Consumers are God. As God, we should treat riders in a good way, instead of using God's rights to the limit.

If you are a little dissatisfied, you will get a bad review. In fact, a bad review is very harmful.

For many riders, a bad review may lose a lot of income, or even a bad day.

For consumers, how to do well and play the role of God, so that technology can be good, is a very important issue.