The new RN slogan: 'French, wake up!'.



Dediabolic you?

Marine Le Pen on Wednesday denied any reference to Nazi Germany, whose atrocities she denounces, in the slogan "French people wake up" of her back-to-school meeting in Fréjus in early September.

Asked about France Inter by a listener believing that it resembled that of Nazi Germany “Deutschland erwache!

"(" Germany wake up! "), The president of the National Rally judged that the question was" very oriented ".

"How do you imagine for half a second that I could refer to Nazism?"

She asked.

"A simple expression like this, which calls on the French to be aware of the situation, the gravity of the economic crisis, and the gravity of the social and security crisis, 'French wake up', if somebody ' one has used it, and particularly the dreadful Adolf Hitler, obviously, that is not a reference at all, ”she added.

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She argued that while according to her "the left speaks to the left all the time" and the right "to the right", the National Gathering speaks "to everyone".

"So 'French wake up', it is to all the French that I speak," said the president of the RN, eager to stand out from her father Jean-Marie Le Pen.

He is one of the founding members, notably with former collaborators of the Nazi occupier and former supporters of French Algeria, of the National Front, created in 1972 and which became the National Rally in 2018.

Marine Le Pen had in January 2020 saluted the memory of the victims of the Auschwitz Nazi camp.

“Commemoration of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp: seventy-five years ago, the Allies put an end to the genocidal barbarism of the Nazi regime.

Respect for the victims and their families, ”she tweeted.

Then in July she greeted the "memory" of the victims of the Vél 'd'Hiv' roundup, denouncing anti-Semitism and "the new preachers of hate" who "attack our Jewish compatriots".


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  • Nazi

  • National gathering

  • Nazism

  • Marine Le Pen