
I will also look at the suspicions related to vacation.

Minister Choo Mi-ae's son, Seo Mo, spent 23 days on the 10th of the first sick leave and the 9th of the second sick leave in 2017 when she was serving as a KATUSA Soldier.

Minister Chu's son attorney argued that the petition leave can be used up to the 30th, and KATUSA Soldiers also complied with US military regulations, so it makes no sense to suspect the preferential treatment.

Accordingly, the opposition party repeatedly pointed out that the KATUSA Soldier's vacation is subject to the Army's regulations, and that it is a preferential treatment and a violation of the regulations, saying that extended sick leave requires deliberation.

The opinions of the two sides are confronting tightly, and it is correct that the military authorities who need to interpret the vote should follow the ROK military regulations, but there is no problem in the procedure and the prosecution has to make the final decision.

This is reporter Hak-Hwi Kim.


The position of the Ministry of National Defense is "the Korean military regulations must be followed" as to which regulations should be used to judge private Suh's vacation.

One military official said, despite the US military regulations, management of the vacation system, etc., is through the administrative branch of the ROK military support group.

He said the leave policy and procedures are the responsibility of the Chief of Staff of the ROK Army.

As KATUSA Soldiers are Korean soldiers, of course, they are subject to our military vacation rules.

Then, in the light of the Korean military regulations, whether there is a problem with the procedure, the military maintained the judgment that there was no problem.

The opposition party pointed out that when adding 9 days of sick leave for the second time following the first 10 days, it violated the rule that sick leave exceeding 10 days a year must undergo deliberation by the military hospital. It is explained that it is not a violation of the regulations if the guidelines and the commander's discretion are comprehensively reviewed.

In the end, when the commander decides to extend the vacation, the key is whether there was an external pressure or request.

However, the military did not make any public remarks today (8th).

Despite controversy over military regulations, the prosecution postponed, saying that the matter under investigation by the prosecution could not be confirmed.

Rather than responsibly explaining the suspicions that followed such as deployment of troops and dispatch of interpreters, they only try to get out of the political burden rather than make a stand.

(Video coverage: Park Seung-won, video editing: Lee Seung-jin)     

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