LDP president election Hosoda, Aso, Takeshita three groups announced support for Mr. Suga September 2 19:33

Following the election of Prime Minister Abe to elect the successor to Prime Minister Abe, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga announced his candidacy, the Hosoda faction of the largest faction and the Aso faction and Takeshita faction of the second faction among the seven factions within the party. The chairman of the meeting held a press conference and clarified his thoughts in favor of Mr. Kan.

Former Press Secretary Hosoda, Chairman of the Hosoda Group, Deputy Prime Minister Aso and Finance Minister Aso, and former President of the Board Takeshi Takeshita, attended the press conference.

Mr. Hosoda said, “Secretary-General Kan has fought with Prime Minister Abe in various difficulties such as countermeasures against the new coronavirus. He is born and raised in the region and has an understanding in the region. I would like to be asked."

Mr. Aso said, "It is an emergency right now, and it is important from the perspective of crisis management and policy implementation. I think that Mr. Suga is excellent because he has a lot of experience in dealing with the new coronavirus countermeasures." It was.

Mr. Takeshita said, "We have to build a strong cabinet during the time of the national crisis, and we must carry on the aspirations of Prime Minister Abe, so I decided to recommend Mr. Suga. As a result, I want you to pull it more and more."

When the total number of members of the three factions of the Hosoda, Aso, and Takeshita factions is more than half of the total party, it seems that there is also an aim to appeal their presence by proposing the support of Mr. Kan. I will.