(Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the army, we are in the battle position report) Fly in the sea and sky in the new era-a record of a naval carrier aviation unit preparing for war

  Shenyang Xinhua News Agency September 2 electrical

title: Fenfei new era in the sky - a Navy carrier-based air forces preparing for war Notepad

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Mei Shixiong

  On March 27, 2020, Lu Chaohui, chief of staff of a certain carrier aviation force of the Navy, and his comrade Xu Aiping, respectively drove the J-15 carrier fighter to successfully complete night air refueling, marking a new leap in the core combat capabilities of the Chinese carrier fighter force.

  As the core part of the aircraft carrier combat capability, the carrier aviation force is the representative of the navy's new combat force and the pioneer of the navy's strategic transformation. It plays a very important role in developing the aircraft carrier and building a strong navy.

  "Over the past seven years since its establishment, we have kept in mind Chairman Xi's earnest advice and continued to deepen the combat capability building based on the aircraft carrier formation system, and the combat capability has continued to rise." Lu Chaohui said.

  This scene, the 42-year-old Chinese Navy super pilot will never forget——

  On the morning of August 28, 2013, President Xi braved the wind and rain to come to a comprehensive test and training base of a navy carrier aircraft to watch the carrier aircraft take off and block landing training, and inspect related equipment on the spot.

  Since then, Lu Zhaohui and his comrades have transformed the commander’s care and love into a strong driving force for dreaming the sea and sky, overcoming obstacles, exploring and practicing, and always charging at the forefront of the transformation and construction of naval aviation.

They started from nothing, started from scratch, and quickly realized "can board"

  "At the beginning of the formation of the force, China's aircraft carrier and carrier aircraft business had just started, lacking technical support, lack of drawings and materials, and lack of standards and specifications." Zhang Ye, the commander of a certain carrier aviation unit of the Navy, witnessed the force’s start from scratch. The whole process.

  An unprecedented sense of urgency has created a fast-paced, high-intensity training model for this carrier aviation unit.

They adhere to the idea of ​​“organizing, attaching, experimenting, and training” and set up the concept of “learning, training, fighting, and building”, focusing on achieving the goal of younger carrier-based pilots. Explore a development path for self-cultivation of refitting models.

  On November 25, 2014, the first batch of 8 carrier-based fighter pilots all passed the aircraft carrier flight qualification certification, marking that China truly has the ability to independently train carrier-based fighter pilots. The training of carrier-based fighters has achieved a significant shift from single-person test flight to batch training. breakthrough.

  The number of night landing pilots, tower commanders, and landing commanders has doubled... Nowadays, batches of carrier-based aircraft pilots are connected, growing confidently, and flying hard.

They keep their mission in mind, fly to the war, and achieve a new leap in their "ability to fight" ability

  "After breaking through the difficulty of being able to go on a ship, what we think about the most is how to improve our ability to win and improve our ability to be able to fight." Zhang Ye said.

  In April of this year, the sea was rough and rough, and the Liaoning ship carrier formation broke through the waves.

Several alert ship-borne helicopters took off one after another, an invisible large reconnaissance and early warning network was quietly rolled out, and a "back-to-back" actual combat exercise in a complex electromagnetic environment officially started.

  Amid the roar, a J-15 fighter jet moved immediately upon hearing the order, and took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier to intercept the incoming "enemy" in the air.

Under the precise guidance of the shipborne warning helicopter, the J-15 fighter jets quickly locked on the "enemy" targets and carried out precision strikes.

  "We went all the way, flew all the way, and confronted all the way, and achieved breakthroughs in various aspects such as flight sorting, training difficulty, and confrontation intensity, and effectively improved the long-sea combat capability of carrier-based aircraft under the formation system." Zhang Ye said.

  It's not just ship-based fighters that have significantly improved the ability to fight.

  In June 2020, Chen Liming, a super pilot and head of the carrier helicopter regiment, led a team to conduct "point-to-point" search and rescue helicopter take-off and landing training, continuously breaking the voyage, challenging personnel and equipment performance limits, and optimizing more than 10 different take-off and landing methods and emergency response With the rescue plan, the troops’ ability to take off and land at sea has been effectively improved.

  A month later, the anti-submarine helicopter organized a deep bomb training in a certain sea area, and several live bombs directly hit the "shark" with a hit rate of 100%...

  Today, this young force has been able to organize multi-batch, multi-sort, all-element flight training under complex weather conditions, specialize in difficult subjects, and continue to improve the all-weather combat capabilities of carrier-based aircraft, and strive to become an aircraft carrier. A sharp fist.

They gave up their lives, worked stubbornly, and marched toward "victory"

  Accompanied by the improvement of ability is the test of life and death all the time.

Zhang Lichun, political commissar of a certain carrier aviation unit of the Navy, said: "Carrier fighter pilots are always accompanied by high risks."

  On April 6, 2016, pilot Cao Xianjian flew a J-15 fighter jet and found that the flight control system was working abnormally.

He urgently tried to save the war eagle, missed the best time to escape, was forced to parachute to escape until the last 2 seconds, and was seriously injured.

  Twenty-one days later, the 29-year-old pilot Zhang Chao flew the J-15 fighter jet for ground-based simulation training. Unfortunately, he died heroically due to a sudden failure of the plane.

  On July 10, 2017, pilot Yuan Wei drove a J-15 fighter jet to take off for less than one minute, and suddenly collided with a group of birds.

He was not afraid of danger, and after more than 100 zero-error operations, he created a miracle of successful handling under the superposition of multiple dangers such as bird hitting fire, extremely low altitude, full fuel load, overloaded landing, and single-engine landing.

  What is admirable is that no matter how great the setbacks, they will never defeat these "sea and air warriors"——

  In order to return to the sea and sky, Cao Xianjian raced against time for rehabilitation training, creating the miracle that he successfully landed a J-15 fighter jet after 419 days of serious injury and only 70 days after the postoperative go-around. At the end of 2016, he brought a martyr Zhang Chao. As a legacy, the new batch of carrier fighter pilots independently trained by our country have all passed the day and night aircraft carrier qualification certification; on the third day after special handling, Yuan Wei, who had just passed the ghost gate, flew off again...

  Cao Xianjian said: "The other military powers in the world have a history of more than 100 years of fighting aircraft carriers. We want to catch up with them. We don't race against time and pursue them. Can we do it?"

  The sun rises, and a new day begins.

Zhang Ye led Lu Chaohui, Yuan Wei and other pilots to fly the J-15 fighter into the air again.