The human body is smart;

It issues warnings and signals alerting the existence of a defect or a specific disease, so what are the most important signs of body odor that should be paid attention to?

The body has signs of illness that help doctors diagnose it.

A Deutsche Welle report said that there are certain diseases that produce certain odors in the body.

Therefore, we must pay special attention to some odors that our bodies exude, as they are an early warning system to detect our health condition.

We present here a group of scents and a sign:

The breath smells like fruit ... diabetes

If your breath smells like fruit that has ripened and is starting to rot, this could be a signal to the person that he has diabetes.

Bad foot odor .. fungicide

We are all prone to sweating after exercising, but if your feet constantly smell bad, it could be a yeast infection.

Sweating enhances the presence of fungi on the feet, they love damp places.

Foul-smelling stools .. sensitivity to lactose

Some people are allergic to the lactose in milk.

The small intestine sends lactose directly to the large intestine.

There it ferments to form strong gas, and it leads to flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and nausea.

Sweat smell like fish .. liver or kidney problems

Fish Odor Syndrome is a rare disorder that causes the body to be unable to metabolize trimethylaminuria, a chemical with a foul odor that smells like fish, rotten eggs, waste, or even urine.

This is according to the medicine web site.

This syndrome may occur as a result of impairment in some body functions, such as the function of the liver or kidneys.

There are other reasons as well.

Bad breath .. multiple causes

There are many causes of bad breath: sinus infections, throat infections, or tonsillitis. In the case of sleep apnea syndrome, bad breath is indirectly caused by sleep apnea at night.

People who snore especially loudly suffer from this disease, which leads to dryness of the mucous membranes.

Bacteria that can then settle down are the cause of bad breath.

Bad smell of urine ... infections or stones

There are many causes for bad-smelling urine, which may be infections, a blockage in the urethra, or a stone.

In the end, it must be reminded of the importance of not taking any medication on your own, and it is imperative to see a doctor immediately to diagnose the disease if there are any doubts.